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Budding Fig Tree

Matthew 24:32-35 (INT)

Mark 13:28-33

Luke 21:29-33

D&C 35:16

D&C 45:34-38

The Budding Fig Tree Parable was given to Jesus' disciples while on the Mount of Olives, just outside Jerusalem. This was a time of intense political and social turmoil in Judea, as the people were under Roman rule and there was mounting tension between the Jewish leaders and the occupying forces. This was in addition to the hostilities and persecution facing Christ and his followers.

As discussed in other parables, the fig tree (συκῆς, תְּאֵנָה) had cultural and religious significance for the Jews. It symbolized Israel as a nation and represented the hope of restoration and renewal. Jesus used the image of the budding fig tree to illustrate the signs of the end times and His second coming. He warned His disciples to be alert and watch for the signs, as they indicated His return was near.

The parable is even more significant for us today, reminding us to be prepared for Jesus' return and to stay faithful despite trials and tribulations. The signs of the times are all around us, and we must be vigilant in our spiritual lives. Just as the fig tree needs to be cared for and tended to in order to bear fruit, we need to nurture our faith and be ready for Christ's return.

Additional Resources:

“The Leaves Are Commencing to Show on the Fig Tree”by Elder Bernard P. Brockbank

Discipleship in the Olivet Discourse in Mark’s Gospel by Gaye Strathearn

Preparation for the Second Coming by Elder Dallin H. Oaks

The Power of Spiritual Momentum By President Russell M. Nelson

Budding Fig Tree

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