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Parables &

Barren Fig Tree

This parable describes a fig tree that did not bear fruit for three years, the owner decides to give it one more year to bear fruit before cutting it down.

Mark 9:33-37

Become as a Child

Jesus admonishes his disciples to become as children in their humility, trust, and lack of status-seeking, in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Born Again

Jesus admonishes Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews, to be born again in order to see the kingdom of God

Bread of Life Sermon

In Christ's Bread of Life Sermon, Jesus proclaims that he is the bread of life that came down from heaven, and that those who believe in him will have eternal life.

Mark 13:28-33

Budding Fig Tree

In the Budding Fig Tree parable, Jesus tells his disciples to learn from the fig tree, which sprouts new leaves as a sign that summer is near, to help them recognize the signs of the end times.

Mark 10:17-25

Camel through Eye of Needle

In the camel through the eye of a needle allegory, Jesus uses a metaphor to emphasize the difficulty many have when having to choose between temporal wealth and pursuing the kingdom of God.

Cost of Discipleship

Jesus teaches his followers that they must be willing to give up everything to be his disciple.

Mark 11:12–14, 20–24

Cursing the Fig Tree

The allegory of the Cursing of the Fig Tree symbolizes Jesus' judgment of Israel's spiritual barrenness and unbelief.

Mark 3:23-27

Divided Kingdom, strong man

The parable of the Divided Kingdom explains that Satan's kingdom cannot stand if it is divided against itself and will come to an end.

Empty House, Hidden Treasure

In the parable of the Empty House, Hidden Treasure, Jesus warns that if an unclean spirit is cast out of a person, but the person does not fill the void with good, the spirit will return with more evil spirits, and the last state of that person will be worse than the first.

Mark 13:34-37

Faithful vs. Wicked Servant

Jesus compares faithful and wise servants who do their duties and are rewarded with wicked and lazy servants who neglect their responsibilities and are punished.

Feed My Sheep

Jesus uses this allegory in a conversation with Peter in which Jesus instructs Peter to tend and care for his followers as a shepherd tends and feeds his sheep.

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