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Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Writer: CFMCornerCFMCorner

CFM: January 1–7

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Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon Part 1, Part 2

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Book of Mormon Matters with John W Welch and Lynne Hilton Wilson


Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon (Part 1, Part 2)

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​Teaching Helps with John Hilton

​Scripture Gems


Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon (not yet posted)

​Talking Scripture

Saving Talents: Devotionals & FHE for Children

Notes, Slides

Resources and Insights for this Week's Lesson

There is so much material available for this week's lesson, I figured I would simply list some of the resources I found and include a few charts that would be helpful for our studies this year. There are so many fantastic options to choose from, simply pick a few that interest you the most and enjoy!

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This outline serves as a structured guide to the opening sections of the Book of Mormon, highlighting key themes, purposes, and messages.


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

I. Introduction to the Book of Mormon

Description as an Account

  • Written by Mormon

  • Based on the Plates of Nephi

II. Purpose and Composition

Abridgment of Records

  •  Record of the People of Nephi

  •  Record of the Lamanites

Audience and Intent

  • Directed to Lamanites, a Remnant of the House of Israel

  • Addressed to both Jews and Gentiles

III. The Nature of the Writings

Divine Guidance in Writing

  • Commandment and Revelation

  • Prophecy and Spiritual Insight

IV. Role of Moroni

Sealing and Hiding the Plates

Foretold Emergence through the Gentiles

V. The Book of Ether

Inclusion and Summary

  • Record of the People of Jared

  • Connection to the Tower of Babel


  • Testament of God's Works for Israel

  • Affirmation of Covenants with the Lord

VI. The Universal Message of Christ

Jesus Christ as the Central Figure

  • The Eternal God

  • Revelation to All Nations

Aim of the Book

  • Convincing Jews and Gentiles of Christ’s Divinity

VII. Translation by Joseph Smith

 Acknowledgment of Translation

Human Element in Translation

  • Admission of Potential Faults

  • Encouragement Not to Condemn Divine Things

VIII. Final Exhortation

Encouragement to Accept the Teachings

Goal of Being Spotless at Christ's Judgment Seat

Introduction Page: This outline encapsulates the key elements and messages presented in the Introduction Page of the Book of Mormon, highlighting its significance, divine origin, and the role it plays in the teachings of the LDS Church. It provides a structured approach for understanding and teaching the introduction's content.


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

I. Introduction to the Book of Mormon as Holy Scripture

  • Comparison to the Bible

  • Record of God's Dealings with Ancient Americans

  • Fullness of the Everlasting Gospel

II. Authorship and Compilation

  • Written by Ancient Prophets

  • Role of Prophecy and Revelation

  • Mormon's Abridgment from Gold Plates

III. Description of Ancient Civilizations

  • The Nephites and Lamanites from Jerusalem (600 B.C.)

  • The Jaredites from the Tower of Babel Era

  • Survival of the Lamanites as Ancestors of American Indians

IV. The Centrality of Jesus Christ

  • Christ's Ministry among the Nephites

  • Presentation of Gospel Doctrines and Plan of Salvation

  • Guidance for Peace in Life and Eternal Salvation

V. The Role of Moroni

  • Moroni's Contribution and Preservation of the Plates

  • Moroni’s Appearance to Joseph Smith in 1823

VI. Translation and Publication

  • Delivery and Translation by Joseph Smith

  • Translation through Divine Power

  • Publication in Multiple Languages as a New Witness

VII. Joseph Smith’s Statement

  • The Book of Mormon's Correctness and Importance

  • Its Role as the Keystone of LDS Religion

VIII. Special Witnesses

  • The Three and Eight Witnesses

  • Inclusion of Their Testimonies

*IX. Invitation and Promise

  • Invitation to Read and Ponder

  • Seeking Divine Confirmation through Prayer

  • Promise of Gaining Testimony through the Holy Ghost

X. Divine Witness and Latter-day Revelations

  • Confirmation of Jesus Christ as Savior

  • Joseph Smith's Role as Revelator and Prophet

  • Affirmation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This outline encompasses the Testimony of the Three Witnesses - Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris - regarding their experience with the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated. It details their firsthand observation of the plates and engravings, the divine assurance of the translation's truth, and their commitment to bear witness as instructed by God. Their testimony concludes with a declaration of faith and the unity of God.


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

The Testimony of Three Witnesses

I. Introduction

  • Address to All Nations and Peoples

  • Declaration of Witnessing the Plates by Three Witnesses

      1. Oliver Cowdery

      2.David Whitmer

      3. Martin Harris

II. The Plates and Their Contents

  • Description of the Plates

  1. Record of the People of Nephi

  2. Record of the Lamanites and the People of Jared

  • Affirmation of Divine Translation

  1. Translated by the Power of God

  2. Divine Assurance of the Truth of the Work

III. Witnessing the Engravings

  • Physical Observation of the Engravings on the Plates (other sources say they also viewed the Liahona and other artifacts as well).

  • Divine Presentation of the Plates

  1. Shown by the Power of God, Not Man

IV. The Angelic Visit

  • An Angel Presents the Plates

  • Confirmation of Seeing the Plates and Engravings

  1. Witnessed by Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris

V. Divine Commandment to Bear Witness

  • The Lord's Command to Testify

  • Commitment to Obedience

VI. Faith and Salvation

  • Assurance of Cleansing Through Faith in Christ

  • Hope of Eternal Life and Judgment

VII. Concluding Declaration

  • Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

  • Unity of God

VIII. Affirmation

  • Statement of Certainty and Marvel

  • Solemn Testimony to the Truth of Their Witness

This outline covers the Testimony of the Eight Witnesses, emphasizing their personal interaction with and observations of the plates used in the translation of the Book of Mormon. They describe the plates' appearance, affirm the work's authenticity, and assert their honesty in bearing witness. The list of witnesses includes members of the Whitmer family, Hiram Page, and relatives of Joseph Smith Jr., each confirming their direct experience with the plates.


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

I. Introduction

  • Address to All Nations, Kindreds, Tongues, and People

  • Purpose of the Testimony

II. Witnessing the Plates

Description of the Plates

  1. Appearance of Gold

  2. Observations of Engravings and Workmanship

  • Physical Interaction with the Plates

  1. Handling the Leaves Translated by Joseph Smith Jr.

  • Affirmation of Authenticity

  1. Ancient and Curiously Crafted

III. Declaration of Sincerity

  • Statement of Soberness and Truth

  • Personal Confirmation of Seeing and Handling the Plates

IV. Joseph Smith Jr.'s Role

  • Recognition as the Translator

  • His Presentation of the Plates to the Witnesses

V. Commitment to Testimony

  • Assertion of Honesty and Truthfulness

  • Invocation of Divine Witness

VI. List of Witnesses


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

I. Introduction

Joseph Smith’s Personal Account of the Book of Mormon's Origin

II. The Initial Divine Encounter

  • Prayer on September 21, 1823

  • Appearance of a Light and a Heavenly Messenger

  1. Description of the Messenger Moroni

III. The Messenger's Message

  • Joseph Smith's Calling and Future Influence

  • Revelation of the Gold Plates

  • Introduction to the Urim and Thummim

  • Instructions on Handling the Plates

IV. Vision of the Plate's Location

  • Clarity and Distinctness of the Vision

V. Subsequent Visits and Instructions

  • Repeated Appearances of Moroni

  • Revelations of Impending Judgments

  • Cautions Against Temptation and Misuse of the Plates

VI. The Retrieval of the Plates

  • Annual Visits to the Plate's Location

  • Final Receipt of the Plates on September 22, 1827

  • Responsibility and Protection of the Plates

  • Persecutions and Efforts to Secure the Plates

  • Ultimate Return of the Plates to the Messenger

VII. Conclusion

  • Joseph Smith’s Completion of His Task

  • The Book of Mormon's Publication in 1830

VIII. Reference

For a Complete Account, Refer to Joseph Smith—History in the Pearl of Great Price

IX. Significance

  • The Book of Mormon as a Testament Translated by Divine Power

  • Its Role as a Voice from the Dust

This brief explanation covers the Book of Mormon's origins, sources, structure, and historical context. It outlines the various plates that constitute the record, details the book's structure, and provides insights into the text's significance and preservation. The explanation also includes information about the current edition, distinguishing between the sacred text and supplementary study aids.


Major Topics/ Themes


​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

I. Nature of the Book

  • A Sacred Record of Ancient American Peoples

  • Engraved on Metal Plates

II. Sources of the Record

  • The Plates of Nephi

  1. Small Plates: Focus on Spiritual Matters and Teachings

  2. Large Plates: Secular History and Significant Spiritual Events

  • The Plates of Mormon

  1. Abridgment and Commentary by Mormon

  2. Continuation of History by Mormon and his son Moroni

  • The Plates of Ether

  1. History of the Jaredites, Abridged by Moroni

  • The Plates of Brass

  1. Brought from Jerusalem in 600 B.C.

  2. Contain the Books of Moses, Jewish Records, and Prophecies

III. Structure of the Book of Mormon

  • Fifteen Main Parts or Divisions

  • Translation from Small Plates of Nephi (First Six Books)

  • Insertion of the Words of Mormon

  1. Connection between Small Plates and Large Plates

  • Mormon’s Abridgment of Large Plates of Nephi

  1. Mosiah to Mormon Chapter 7

  • Final Portions by Moroni

  1. Record of Mormon’s Life

  2. Abridgment of Jaredite Record

  3. The Book of Moroni

IV. Historical Context

  • Sealing and Hiding of the Record by Moroni in A.D. 421

  • Moroni's Visit to Joseph Smith in A.D. 1823

  • Delivery of Plates to Joseph Smith

V. About This Edition

  • Original Title Page and Sacred Text

  • Distinction Between Sacred Text and Study Helps

  • Corrections for Conformity with Early Manuscripts and Editions

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