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Behold, My Joy is Full

Writer: CFMCornerCFMCorner

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3 Nephi 17-19

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Resources and Insights for this Week's Lesson  

The Book of Mormon: A Cultural and Religious Dialogue

If you have not had a chance to read the last two lessons about Christ's visit to the Americas, you will want to start there. This lesson builds upon these events, including the cultural context and learning skills that we explored in those lessons.

Once again, we are examining chapters packed with so much information that most of the material for this lesson will be found in the Overview outlines. These outlines include multiple cross-references, including hyperlinks to interlinear dictionaries and concordances. This is where your treasure hunt begins.

So much can be learned from diving into the scriptures themselves. Relying on other people's interpretations of scripture, whether from a teacher, leader, podcaster, relative, friend or otherwise, will only get you so far. The best teacher is the Spirit, and the goal of these lessons is to help you access the Spirit personally. The tools and resources available can help you "tune in" to learn how to better interpret the scriptures yourself with the guidance you receive from the Spirit.

Remember that this is a journey as well as a destination. We are not "earning heaven"; we are "learning heaven." Be patient; learning to use these resources and tools takes time and practice. It is an investment, but the benefits are worth the sacrifice.

As discussed in last week's lesson, the primary reason for the overview summaries is to provide a location where hyperlinks can be organized and attached. Unfortunately, there is no Interlinear BoM. However, Scripture Notes has a fantastic lexicon tool that can save you a lot of time and effort. We discussed this resource in previous lessons; this tool has a host of features that can help us better understand the writers' intentions. particularly from a cultural and linguistic perspective. Words matter, and learning to see these words beyond our modern and limited interpretations can help us make valuable connections to expand our understanding. These summaries are NOT intended to replace scripture; they are tools to help you get started, to identify potential locations and topics for further investigation, where the Spirit can take over as your personal tutor.

The provided links offer both modern and ancient commentary, including various resources on cultural perspectives, historical context, and literary tools that utilize some of the earliest literary sources available. As we learn how to use these tools, we can dive deeper into the culture, the context, the language, the poetic structure, and so on. We can better understand the writers' intentions and how these principles relate to us today. We can better discover the gems that frequently get lost in translation and learn to see past some of the misunderstandings that have occurred historically. This can help us to personally address some of those misconceptions in our own lives and allow us to have a greater level of appreciation and compassion for those who might interpret and understand things differently.

There is no better place to learn and exercise these skills than with the words of the Savior himself.

Additional Resources:



3 Nephi 17

In 3 Nephi 17, after teaching the Nephites profound doctrinal truths about the fulfillment of the law, the role of the Gentiles, and the gathering of Israel, Jesus observes that the people are too spiritually overwhelmed to continue learning. He pauses His teachings and invites them to bring forward their sick and afflicted, and He performs many miracles. This chapter shows the deep compassion of Jesus as He blesses the Nephite children, heals the sick, and prays for the people. It is a moment of sacred tenderness and divine power.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Christ in America Timeline

  • Compassion of Christ:

    • Jesus’ deep love and compassion are evident in this chapter as He stays longer with the Nephites, heals their sick, and blesses their children. His willingness to meet their needs, both spiritually and physically, shows His tender care for His people.

    • What Would Jesus Do? (3 Nephi 11-28)

  • Faith and Miracles:

    • The faith of the Nephites leads to miracles. All who come to Jesus with their afflictions are healed, demonstrating the power of faith in Christ and His ability to heal all kinds of ailments.

  • Jesus' Ministry to Children:

  • The Power of Prayer:

    • Jesus' prayers in this chapter are profound and filled with divine power. His intercession for the people teaches the importance of prayer and communion with God, especially when it comes from a place of pure faith and unity.

  • Heavenly Manifestations:

    • The angels' descent and the children's divine words testify to heavenly realities. These manifestations illustrate the deep connection between heaven and earth when Jesus is present, and faith is exercised in righteousness.

  • Unity in Worship:

    • Jesus invites the multitude to pray together, creating a sacred unity among the people. This emphasizes the importance of coming together in worship and prayer and how it invites divine blessings.

  • Cultural Insights

  • Literary & Linguistic Observations:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

3 Nephi 17

Verses 1-3: Jesus Encourages Rest and Reflection

Jesus Perceives Their Weakness:

  • Jesus perceives that the Nephites are "weak," unable to fully comprehend all of His teachings at once because their minds are weary.

  • Key Teaching: He instructs them to return to their homes, ponder what He has taught them, and pray/ask for understanding.

  • Invitation to Prepare: Jesus encourages the people to prepare their minds and promises to return the next day to continue teaching them.

Verses 4-5: Jesus Stays with the People

Jesus Delays His Departure:

  • Although Jesus plans to leave and visit the "lost tribes of Israel," he perceives the Nephites' great faith and chooses to stay with them a little longer.

  • Compassion for the People: His love for the people is evident in His willingness to postpone His departure for their benefit.

1 John 3-16-24 "bowels of compassion"

Verses 6-10: Jesus Heals the Sick and Afflicted

Psalm 103:2-4 describes the Lord as a healer of all diseases and a source of compassion, reflecting Jesus’ healing of the sick in 3 Nephi 17.

The Multitudes Bring the Afflicted:

  • Jesus invites the people to bring forward their sick, lame, blind, halt, maimed, leprous, withered, deaf, and afflicted so he can heal them. Their great faith leads to mighty miracles.

  • Jesus' Healing Power: Jesus heals all who are brought to Him, every one, demonstrating His divine power and compassion for their suffering.

  • Faith and Miracles: These miracles reinforce the principle that faith in Christ can make us whole. He brings healing, both physically and spiritually.

Verses 11-12: Jesus Calls for the Children

Children Gathered Around Jesus:

  • After healing the sick, Jesus calls for the children to be brought to Him. Full of joy and reverence, the multitude sits down as the children gather around Jesus.

  • Sacred Moment: This is a deeply tender and sacred scene, where Jesus' love for the children is made manifest as he stands in their midst and teaches them to kneel down upon the ground to pray.

Verses 13-16: Jesus Prays for the People

John 17:1-26 highlights Jesus’ intercessory prayer for His disciples in Jerusalem, similar to the powerful prayer He offers for the Nephites.

Jesus Prays with Power:

  • Jesus kneels and prays for the Nephites. His prayer is so profound and powerful that the people cannot fully record or describe it.

  • Divine Intercession: Jesus' prayer shows His deep love and intercession for the people before the Father.

  • Emotion Overcomes the Multitude: The people are filled with joy and tears as they witness this sacred moment of communion between Jesus and God.

Verses 17-18: Glory of the Prayer

Words Cannot Capture the Prayer:

  • Although the prayer is beyond their comprehension, the people feel the glory and divine power of Jesus' prayer. They are filled with the Spirit and are profoundly changed by the experience.

Verses 19-24: Jesus Blesses the People One by One, Including the Children

Jesus Blesses Each Child:

  • After His prayer, Jesus wept and proclaimed that His "Joy is Full," he then blessed each child individually, admonishing the people to "behold your little ones." This personal interaction and focus on the children shows us where our priorities should be. His love for them highlights the importance of seeing, protecting, and educating the innocent and pure.

  • Angels Minister to the Children: Angels descend from heaven and encircle the children in a ring of fire (אוֹר ʼôwr, φῶς phōs) ministering to them. The multitude witnesses this miraculous event with amazement and joy.

  • Glory of the Scene: The surrounding crowd is filled with indescribable joy as they see the children enveloped in heavenly glory.

Why Did Jesus Minister to the People One by One?

Mat 18:10 - 14 (God's love and concern for children). Pentecostal (Shavuot) experience, similar to that in Acts 2 when disciples receive the Holy Ghost with its accompanying gifts.

Matthew 19:13-15 depicts Jesus blessing the children, clearly parallel to the scene. Also see Isaiah 11:6, D&C 29:46.

Verses 25-26: The Angels and the Children Speak

Psalm 103:2-4 describes the Lord as a healer of all diseases and a source of compassion, reflecting Jesus’ healing of the sick in 3 Nephi 17.

Children Speak Divine Words:

  • The children, filled with the Spirit, speak things that are so holy they cannot be written or repeated. This divine manifestation testifies of the sanctity of children and their closeness to God.

Verses 27-30: Jesus Establishes a Prayer Circle

A Sacred Prayer Circle:

  • Jesus commands the multitude to kneel and pray. He separates Himself from them and also prays. His prayer brings the people great spiritual power and understanding.

  • Prayers of the Multitude: The multitude prays in unity with Jesus, creating a sacred prayer circle that emphasizes the power of communal worship.

3 Nephi 18

In 3 Nephi 18, Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites following His teachings and miraculous healings in previous chapters. He gives important instructions on the ordinance of the sacrament, prayer, and the necessity of always remembering Him. He also establishes principles of church governance and emphasizes the importance of unity, service, and worthiness. This chapter is a key teaching on how the Nephites (and later readers) can maintain a close relationship with Him through regular, sacred worship.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

3 Nephi 18

Verses 1-7: Institution of the Sacrament – Bread

Matt 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17: These verses contain the accounts of Jesus instituting the sacrament in Jerusalem, paralleling His actions in 3 Nephi 18. Moroni 4, Moroni 5: provides the prayers used for the sacrament, similar to the teachings of Jesus. D&C 20:75-79 outlines the sacramental prayers and the ordinance’s role in renewing covenants. Exodus 12:14-20 describes the institution of the Passover, a type of sacrament that commemorates Jesus’ Atonement.

Jesus Institutes the Sacrament of the Bread:

  • Jesus instructs His disciples to bring bread. He blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to the multitude.

  • Explanation of the Bread: The bread symbolizes Jesus’ body, which He gave as a sacrifice for all. The sacrament is a token of remembrance, a way to remember His atonement.

  • Commandment to Partake Worthily: Jesus instructs the people to eat the bread in remembrance of Him and to keep His commandments. This act renews their covenant to always remember Him.

Verses 8-11: Institution of the Sacrament – Wine

Blessing the Wine:

  • Jesus also blesses the wine and gives it to the people, instructing them to drink it in remembrance of His blood, which was shed for the remission of sins.

  • Renewing Covenants: He reiterates that the sacrament represents their witness, a sign of the covenant they make to follow Him and keep His commandments.

  • Spiritual Nourishment: Jesus promises that those who partake of the sacrament worthily will always have His Spirit to be with them. (1 Corinthians 11:23-29)

Verses 12-14: Command to Administer the Sacrament Regularly

Disciples Commanded to Administer the Sacrament:

  • Jesus instructs His disciples to administer the sacrament to the people regularly, stating that these commandments and ordinances help the people to build upon the rock. Matt 16:18

  • Ordinance for the Church: This establishes the sacrament as a continual ordinance among the people, symbolizing the ongoing need to remember Christ and renew covenants with Him.

  • Commandment to Watch and Pray: Jesus reminds the disciples to watch and pray continually so that they do not fall into temptation.

Verses 15-18: Pray Always

Jesus Emphasizes Prayer:

  • Jesus commands people to pray always to avoid temptation and to follow His light and His example, which will help them to be spiritually strong.

  • Pray as a Family: He encourages the church, including families (21), to pray together, ensuring that they are united in faith and are protected by God’s Spirit.

  • Promises of Prayer: Jesus promises that if they pray in His name, whatever is right and good for them will be given according to the Father’s will (20).

Verses 19-21: Pray in Jesus’ Name

Importance of Praying in Christ’s Name:

  • Jesus stresses that all prayers should be offered in His name.

  • Unity in Families Through Prayer: Jesus teaches that prayer should be at the heart of family life, uniting parents and children in the gospel.

Verses 22-25: Worthy Participation in the Sacrament

Invite All to Come to Christ:

  • Jesus invites everyone to gather in his name. All are welcome, and none should be forbidden or cast out. He invites all to come to Him, to feel and see, that they might be healed and strengthened. He warns that anyone who breaks this commandment invites temptation.

  • Open Invitation to Christ: Jesus invites all who desire to come to Him, without turning anyone away.

  • Repentance and Worthiness: The sacrament is for those who repent and seek to follow Christ sincerely. It should be taken with reverence and respect. Jesus warns against unworthy partaking of the sacrament, as unworthy participation in this ordinance can bring condemnation.

Verses 26-29: Ministering to the Unworthy

Handling Unworthiness with Compassion:

  • Jesus instructs the Church's leaders to gently minister to those who are not worthy (Greek term: ἀνάξιος anáxios. The concept of "unclean" was frequently used in Jewish tradition, although Christ's message radically changed the kosher interpretations. The word kosher is derived from the Hebraic root יָשַׁר yâshar, which means to be fit, lawful, and upright.) To partake of the sacrament, Chist explains that individuals should be adequately taught and prepared, having an opportunity to repent and be baptized. These individuals should not be cast out but encouraged to repent and come unto Christ.

  • Disciplinary Action: If someone is unwilling to repent and continues in transgression, they should not partake of the sacrament until they have repented. However, they should be ministered to with love and patience.

  • Preventing Offense: Jesus teaches that excluding someone from the sacrament should not be done in a harsh or judgmental way, but with the goal of helping them return to full participation.

Verses 30-32: Jesus' Love for the Lost

Seek Out the Lost:

  • Jesus emphasizes the importance of seeking out and bringing back those who have strayed, allowing them to return and repent. He stresses that those who have wandered are not to be forgotten but ministered to with love and care. He desires all to Come Unto Him.

  • Mercy for the Wayward: Jesus expresses deep concern for those who are spiritually lost, emphasizing that He came to save the sinner and not to cast them away.

Verses 33-35: Unity Among Disciples

Be Unified:

  • Jesus commands His disciples to be one, united in love and purpose.

  • No Contentions: He warns against disputations, contentions, and divisions among the people, as these hinder spiritual growth and the influence of the Spirit.

Verses 36-38: The Disciples Receive Power to Confer the Holy Ghost

Ordination of the Disciples:

  • Jesus touches His disciples one by one, giving them the power and authority to give/ confer the Holy Ghost.

  • Power and Authority: This conferral of power allows the disciples to give the gift of the Holy Ghost to others after baptism, ensuring the continual presence of the Spirit among the people.

Verses 39: Jesus Ascends

Jesus Ascends Temporarily:

3 Nephi 19

In 3 Nephi 19, the day following Jesus’ initial visit to the Nephites, the people gather eagerly to receive Him again. The twelve disciples, previously chosen by Jesus, begin organizing the people and baptizing them. Jesus returns to the gathered multitude, and the chapter focuses on prayer, the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and profound spiritual manifestations. It emphasizes the power of unity, prayer, and the reception of the Holy Ghost, highlighting the deep communion between the people, the disciples, and the Lord.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Power of Unity in Prayer:

    • This chapter highlights the importance of communal prayer and unity. Jesus prays for His disciples and the people, asking the Father to make them one, as He and the Father are one. The people's unified prayers bring about divine manifestations and blessings.

  • Baptism and the Holy Ghost:

    • Baptism is a necessary step for spiritual rebirth and preparation to receive the Holy Ghost. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon the baptized Nephites shows the importance of the sacrament in preparing individuals to receive divine guidance.

  • The Role of the Disciples:

    • The twelve disciples are given a central role in leading the people, baptizing them, and guiding them spiritually. Jesus prays for their unity and sanctification, as they are to lead the Church and ensure its spiritual strength.

  • Divine Intercession:

    • Jesus’ repeated prayers for the people reflect His role as the great intercessor, mediating between the Father and His followers. These prayers, filled with divine power, emphasize the love and care He has for His disciples and all believers.

    • The Lord’s Prayers

  • Purification and Sanctification:

    • The descent of the Holy Ghost upon the people purifies them spiritually, preparing them for greater unity with God. This sanctification is a vital theme in Jesus’ prayers, showing the need for holiness and spiritual cleansing.

  • Spiritual Manifestations:

    • In this chapter, the Nephites experience profound spiritual manifestations, including the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, divine light, and sacred prayers that are too holy to be recorded. These manifestations demonstrate God's closeness to His people when they are united in faith.

  • Cultural Insights:

  • Literary and Linguistic Observations:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

3 Nephi 19

Verses 1-3: The People Prepare to See Jesus Again

People Gather at the Place Where Jesus Had Been:

  • The news of Jesus’ appearance spreads, and many people come to the place where He had appeared the day before, anxious to hear more from Him.

  • Twelve Disciples Prepare the People: The twelve disciples organize the multitude and prepare for Jesus’ return.

Verses 4-8: The Twelve Disciples Pray and Baptize

The Disciples Pray and Preach:

  • The twelve disciples gather to pray and call upon the name of the Lord for guidance. (Names of the Twelve: Nephi, Timothy, Jonas, Mathoni, Mathonihah, Kumen, and Kumenonhi, Jeremiah, Shemnon, Jonas, Zedekiah, and Isaiah)

  • Baptism of the Disciples: Nephi, one of the twelve, leads by example by being baptized. Afterward, the other eleven disciples are also baptized.

  • Spiritual Rebirth: The baptisms signify a spiritual rebirth, preparing the disciples to receive the Holy Ghost and more fully serve in their roles.

Verses 9-12: The People Are Baptized

Disciples Baptize the Multitude:

  • After being baptized themselves, the disciples organized the multitude into twelve groups and baptized them according to Jesus’ instructions.

  • Unity in Baptism: The ordinance of baptism unites the people in faith and covenant, preparing them for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

Verses 13-14: The People Receive the Holy Ghost

Outpouring of the Holy Ghost:

  • After being baptized by immersion in water, the people are baptized with the fire of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit descends upon them, and they are enveloped in divine glory.

  • Spiritual Manifestation: This outpouring of the Holy Ghost is a powerful, collective experience, filling the people with joy and preparing them for further communion with the Lord.

Verses 15-18: Jesus Returns and Prays

Jesus Returns in Glory:

  • As the people are filled with the Holy Ghost, Jesus returns to them and begins to pray.

  • Unity in Prayer: Jesus prays for the people, focusing on their unity and spiritual progression, echoing themes of divine love and intercession.

  • Prayer in the Name of the Father: Jesus' prayer shows His deep connection with the Father, and He prays that the people might be purified through the Holy Ghost.

Verses 19-23: Jesus’ Intercessory Prayer

Jesus Prays for the Disciples:

  • Jesus offers an intercessory prayer specifically for the twelve disciples, asking the Father to accept and sustain them, thanking the Father for giving them the Holy Ghost.

  • Unity and Oneness: Jesus prays that the disciples will be one, as He and the Father are one. This unity is critical for their role as leaders and for the strength of the entire community.

  • Prayer for All Believers: Jesus also prays for all those who will believe in Him through the words of the disciples, showing His care for all people, including future generations of believers, that all may be one with the Father and the Son.

Verses 24-26: Jesus Prays Again, in Words That Cannot Be Written

Sacred Prayer Beyond Words:

  • Jesus prays a second time, but the words are too sacred and profound to be written or fully comprehended. I've often wondered if part of the reason that the words couldn't be written was that they were communicated through music, and the people did not yet have a method to record them. I imagine there would have been heavenly choirs when the angels encircled the community to teach and minister to them. This is hinted at in Christ's message when he references the Priestly Blessing in these chapters. The Levites traditionally chanted this blessing daily at the Temple in Jerusalem, and this tradition would have likely been incorporated into the Nephite Temple practices as well. A musical rendition of this song would have been very much in line with the cultural traditions that would have been expected as part of a traditional Temple sermon.

  • Divine Glory and Power: The multitude witnesses the divine glory surrounding Jesus, and the spiritual power of this prayer is felt deeply by those present as the light of his countenance did shine upon them (Numbers 6:24-27). They were enveloped in whiteness.

Verses 27-29: Jesus Continues to Pray for His Followers

Jesus’ Continued Intercession:

  • Jesus prays for the multitude, asking the Father to purify them through their faith and the Holy Ghost.

  • Spiritual Cleansing: The prayer focuses on the Holy Ghost's cleansing power, sanctifying and purifying the people so they can be one with Him and the Father. It is his desire to be glorified through us, his people.

Verses 30-34: The Multitude Prays and Receives the Holy Ghost

Multitude Prays in Unity:

  • Following Jesus’ example, the multitude prays as well. Their prayers are filled with gratitude and faith.

  • Filling of the Spirit: As they pray, the Holy Ghost descends upon the people again. This time, they are purified even further, and their hearts are unified in purpose and love. Their understanding is opened.

Verses 35-36: Jesus Testifies of Miracles

A Third Sacred Prayer:

  • Jesus concludes his prayer, but again the words are too sacred to record.

  • Profound Spiritual Experience: The people experience the fullness of joy as they are surrounded by divine light and feel the direct presence of God. Jesus explains that because of the people's faith, he is able to show them great miracles, surpassing those demonstrated among the Jews in Israel.

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