CFM: June 26–July 2
Matthew 28 (INT); Mark 16 (INT); Luke 24 (INT); John 20–21(20 INT, 21 INT)
“He Is Risen”

Videos and Podcasts
Video/ Podcast | Lesson Extension | Additional Materials |
Scripture Central | | |
Follow Him | ||
Line Upon Line | ||
Teaching with Power | | |
Don't Miss This | | |
CFM New Testament | ||
Unshaken | | |
The Interpreter Foundation | ||
Teaching Helps with John Hilton | | |
Talk of Him | | |
Ponderfun | Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21 (not yet posted) | |
Talking Scripture |
Resources and Insights about this Week's Lesson
For my Ward members, I will be teaching this week, and here is the PowerPoint I will be using, along with the corresponding lesson materials, "The Savior's Sermon from the Cross." As a heads-up, we will divide up into seven groups and dig into this material in class. Come prepared with insights and questions!
During many of our previous discussions, we have discussed the Holy Convocations, or the Festival Cycle, as outlined in Deuteronomy 16 INT & Leviticus 23 INT.

Bikkurim בִּכּוּרֵים, also known as the Feast of Firstfruits רֵאשִׁית reshit or ἀπαρχή aparche, is a very significant festival day because it runs parallel with the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection.
According to the Old Testament, the Israelites were commanded to bring a sheaf of the firstfruits from their harvest to the priest, who would then wave it before the Lord. This act symbolized the consecration and dedication of the entire harvest to God. Bikkurim was a joyful occasion that celebrated the abundance of the land and the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises.
This Feast Day is significant because Resurrection Sunday was on Bikkurim. According to the Law, Bikkurim was to be celebrated on the day after the Sabbath following Passover (Leviticus 23:10-17). It was on this day that Christ fulfilled the promises he made from the foundations of the earth through the completion of His Atonement and Resurrection.
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul explicitly connects the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the concept of firstfruits. In 1 Corinthians 15:20 INT, he writes, "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."
In the Follow Him Podcast this week, Dr. Ross Baron, who is a Jewish convert, beautifully explains many significant traditions associated with the Bikkurim festival, including traditions associated with unleavened bread and leavened bread, and how these concepts of un-risen and risen bread apply to the Passover and the Sacrament, as we observe it today.
Dr. Baron also explains that in traditional Middle Eastern culture, the principle of sharing a meal with someone was regarded as a symbol of trust, unity, and friendship. He points out that after Christ's resurrection, Jesus ate with his disciples, a significant detail.
This is good news for several reasons. For those who like food, this means we get to eat in the eternities in perfect resurrected bodies. Therefore, theoretically, we won't have to worry about calories! If this isn't a glorious description of heaven, I don't know what is!
However, more importantly, and more appropriately, this is symbolically related to our Sabbath worship. Christ invites us to break bread with him every week, as we gather together as a united body in Christ to dine with him in remembrance of his life, sacrifice, and resurrection. Through this sacred ordinance, we can unite with Christ, and with one another, as we experience His comfort, aid, strength, and hope while reflecting on His word and His promises of salvation, eternal life, and exaltation.
The Follow Him presentation is so good this week! There are so many gems highlighted by Dr Baron, as well as Hank and John. Some of these insights include:
The role of women as the first witnesses of the Resurrected Savior, dispatched as angels and messengers to the apostles.
The sacred nature of the garment as a covering and coat of skin, noting significant parallels to the Temple and Veil
More on the significance of Bikkurim as the First Day of the Week, demonstrating some of the reasons why Christians observe a Sunday Sabbath, rather than the traditional 7th Day Shabbat. For a more in-depth study, correlate the names of the Hebrew and Greek days of the week to the Creation account and observe significant patterns.
John's respect for Peter as the Senior Apostle when they enter the Tomb
The beautiful interpretation of "Cling to me not" rather than "Touch me not," as the Savior appeared to Mary before he ascended to the Father. This interpretation demonstrates Mary's reluctance to let Jesus go, rather than a form of rejection by the Savior when Mary wanted to embrace him.
And many others. One additional tip that was not discussed in the commentary was the different terms for sheep and lambs in the Old and New Testaments. That is an insightful word search one might like to explore in the Lexicons and Concordances.
I'd like to encourage my class to watch the Follow Him presentation, so rather than writing too much commentary, I am going to point you to the video and transcript. This is a lesson you will want to spend some time with.
Major Topics & Events
Major Topic/ Events | Location | Scripture | Cross-Reference | Videos/ Resources |
Resurrection Morning:Sunday | | | Leviticus 23 | Church Video: Jesus Is Resurrected |
Very early in the morning, a group of several women, including Mary Magdalene, approach the tomb to complete burial customs on behalf of Jesus. (Specifically mentioned include: Mary the mother of James, Mary Magdalene, and Salome) | Sepulcher Tomb | | ||
Earthquake, Angel(s) open tomb | | | ||
Women see tomb and are alarmed | | | | |
Mary, fearing grave robbers, runs to notify Simon Peter and John (Note: the gospels have different accounts for the specific timings and circumstances) | | John 20:2 (INT) | | |
The women come to the Tomb, find the stone rolled away, and encounter an angel. | | | | |
Fear Not...He is not here for he is Risen | | | | |
The angel sent women to tell the disciples. | | | | |
At first, the women are overwhelmed, and depart from the tomb, afraid to speak. | | Mark 16:8 (INT) | | |
Recovering their courage, they decide to go to the Apostles | | | | |
Upon hearing Mary's news, Peter and John run to the tomb and find it empty; they then head home. John believes it is the Resurrection, Peter's conclusion not recorded. | | | | |
Mary returns to the open tomb, and sees angels, “Woman, why weepest thou?” | | | | |
“Touch me not.” Jesus sends Mary back to the apostles to prepare them for his appearance later that day | Near Jerusalem | | ||
The women report to the apostles, who don't believe them. | | | | |
Jesus meets women on their way back, after the apostles reject them, and sends them back to the Apostles. | Near Jerusalem | | | |
Officials bribe soldiers to say the disciples stole the body | | | |
| | | | |
Jesus appears to two disciples | Emmaus | | Church Video Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus | |
Two tell others who disbelieve | Jerusalem | | | |
The eleven disciples gather in Galilee, to the place Jesus appointed | Galilee | Matthew 28:16-18 (INT) | | |
Evening: Jesus appears to the disciples and chastises them for not believing the witnesses he sent. | Galilee | | Church Videos: The Risen Lord Jesus Christ Appears to the Apostles | |
Jesus ordained apostles, giving them power and authority, and instructed them to go forth to teach and baptize all nations. (Grand Commission) | | | | |
Jesus grants the apostles gifts, σημεῖα "signs" among the believers: cast out devils, speak with new tongues (language), protection, and healing. | | Mark 16:17 (INT) | | |
"Lo, I am with you always." | | Matthew 28:20 (INT) | Emmanuel "God with us." Matt 1:23 | |
Lord received into heaven, Apostles go forth, doing the work. | | Mark 16:19-20 | | |
Thomas, absent, does not believe | Jerusalem | | | |
Eight days later: With Thomas | Jerusalem | | ||
Jesus appears to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias but they do not know it is him. | Tiberius | John 21:1-4 (INT) | | Church Video: Feed My Sheep LUMO John 21 |
Jesus instructs the apostles to cast out their nets, and another miracle of the fishes occurs | Tiberius | John 21:5-6 (INT) | | |
John recognizes the Savior and jumps in the Sea to swim to him. The others come in by boat. | Tiberius | John 21:7-8 (INT) | | |
Christ greets them with a meal prepared, during his third encounter with them following his Resurrection | | John 21:9-14 (INT) | | |
Lovest Thou Me? Feed my lambs, sheep | | John 21:15-17 (INT) | | |
Jesus prophecies of Peter's martyrdom | | John 21:18-19 (INT) | | |
Jesus prophecies that John will tarry until Christ returns. | | John 21:20-25 (INT) | |
Church Videos & Resources
Jesus Is Resurrected (John 20: 3-18)
He Is Risen (John 20: 11-17)
For God So Loved the World (John 3:16)
The Risen Lord Jesus Christ Appears to the Apostles (Luke 24:36-41, 44-49)
Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen, and Yet Have Believed - Thomas of the Bible (John 20: 24-29)
President Nelson's recent Social Media message:
"The Lord declared two millennia ago, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).
That commandment is still in force, made vital again by the Savior’s coming to the earth, under the direction of God the Father, to the Prophet Joseph Smith to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness and to reestablish His Church.
As we press forward in this vital work, I am pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Preach My Gospel. It carries the subtitle A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This new edition comes at a time when the world is rapidly changing and reflects a sensitivity to many of those changes. It contains some of the best instruction I have ever seen to help people accept the Lord’s invitation to come unto Him.
Each and every time we share the gospel with others, we are fulfilling our commission as disciples of the Lord. His light is needed now more than ever. In our spiritually darkening world, the need is even greater to “go … into all the world, and preach [His] gospel” (Doctrine and Covenants 112:28)."
Scripture Central
The Bible Project
Messages of Christ
Video Tours of the Holy Land
Additional Videos & Insights
