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Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People

Writer: CFMCornerCFMCorner

CFM: June 17-23

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Alma 8

Alma 8 narrates the missionary journey of Alma the Younger as he travels to the city of Ammonihah, facing rejection and hostility. After being cast out, he receives divine guidance to return, and with the help of an angel and a new companion, Amulek, Alma reenters the city with renewed vigor. This chapter highlights themes of perseverance, divine intervention, and the power of missionary work. It underscores the challenges faced in spreading the gospel and the importance of faith and obedience in overcoming adversity.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

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Alma 8

Verses 1-17: Initial Rejection in Ammonihah

Challenges of Missionary Work

  • Rejection and Hardship: Alma’s initial efforts are met with hostility, illustrating the difficulties missionaries often face.

  • Perseverance: Despite being expelled, Alma does not give up on his mission.

Verses 8-17: Divine Guidance and Intervention

  • Angel’s Message: The divine messenger provides reassurance and direction, emphasizing the importance of divine support in missionary efforts.

  • Obedience and Faith: Alma’s immediate compliance with the angel’s instructions shows his deep faith and commitment.

Verses 18-32: Return to Ammonihah and Encounter with Amulek

18-27: Alma meets Amulek, a resident of Ammonihah, who welcomes him into his home. Amulek has also been prepared by the Lord to assist Alma.

Building Partnerships in Ministry

  • Preparation of Amulek: The Lord prepares Amulek to support Alma, showing the importance of partnerships in fulfilling divine missions.

  • Hospitality and Support: Amulek’s hospitality provides a necessary respite and reinforcement for Alma.

28-32: Alma and Amulek begin teaching the people together, gaining some followers but also facing significant opposition from those in power.

Collaboration and Strength in Numbers

  • Teamwork in Preaching: The collaboration between Alma and Amulek enhances their effectiveness and resilience.

  • Continued Opposition: The persistent resistance they encounter highlights the ongoing struggle between truth and societal norms.


Alma 9

Alma 9 continues the account of Alma the Younger’s missionary efforts in Ammonihah, focusing on his powerful and direct teachings to the people who have largely rejected his message. Alma warns them of the impending destruction if they do not repent, emphasizing the blessings they have received and the consequences of their rebellion. This chapter highlights themes of repentance, accountability, and the consequences of rejecting God’s commandments. Alma’s bold approach underscores the seriousness of the people’s situation and the urgency of his message.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Repentance and Accountability: Alma’s message underscores the necessity of repentance and the serious consequences of rejecting divine commandments.

  • Divine Blessings and Responsibilities: Highlights the blessings that come from being a covenant people and the responsibilities that accompany those blessings.

  • Gratitude for Blessings: Reminds readers to recognize and be grateful for the blessings they have received and to live up to the associated responsibilities.

  • Urgency and Seriousness of Divine Warnings: Alma’s urgent message conveys the seriousness of the people’s situation and the need for immediate action.

  • Role of Prophets in Calling to Repentance: Reflect on the role of prophets in calling people to repentance and delivering divine warnings.

  • Heeding Divine Warnings: Encourages readers to listen to and act upon divine counsel and warnings in their lives.

  • Contrasting Outcomes: Discuss the contrasting outcomes for the Nephites and Lamanites based on their actions and faithfulness.

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Alma 9

Verses 1-13: Alma’s Call to Repentance

1-6: Alma begins his preaching by recounting the history of the people of Nephi and the blessings they have received, calling attention to their chosen status and the promises made to their ancestors.

Reminder of Divine Blessings

  • Covenant People: Alma reminds the people of their heritage and the covenant blessings given to their forefathers.

  • Gratitude and Responsibility: Emphasizes the need to recognize and be grateful for divine blessings and the associated responsibilities.

7-13: Alma then contrasts these blessings with the people’s current state of wickedness, calling out their hard-heartedness and the danger they are in if they do not repent.

Consequences of Wickedness

  • Hard-Heartedness: Alma rebukes the people for their stubbornness and unwillingness to heed divine warnings.

  • Impending Judgment: Warns of the destruction that will come upon them if they continue in their sins, highlighting the seriousness of their situation.

Verses 14-23: Warnings and Promises

14-17: Alma speaks of the Lamanites, contrasting their eventual blessings with the Nephites' current state. He prophesies that the Lamanites will eventually receive the gospel and be blessed for their faithfulness.

Contrast with the Lamanites

  • Future Blessings for the Lamanites: Alma prophesies that the Lamanites, despite their current state, will one day receive the gospel and be blessed.

  • Nephite Accountability: Highlights the greater accountability of the Nephites due to their greater knowledge and blessings.

18-23: Alma delivers a stern warning, emphasizing the justice of God and the need for immediate repentance. He reiterates the destruction that will come upon the people if they do not change their ways.

Urgency of Repentance

  • Immediate Action Required: Stresses the urgent need for the people to repent and change their ways.

  • God’s Justice: Emphasizes the fairness and justice of God in dealing with His children, holding them accountable for their actions.

Verses 24-34: Alma’s Plea and Final Warnings

24-26: Alma continues his plea, urging the people to repent and return to God. He warns of the consequences of hardening their hearts against the truth.

Continued Plea for Repentance

  • Call to Repentance: Alma's plea is heartfelt, emphasizing the need for immediate repentance.

  • Consequences of Rejection: Reiterates the severe consequences of rejecting the word of God.

27-30: Alma speaks of the fate of previous generations who rejected the prophets, drawing parallels to the current situation in Ammonihah.

Historical Warnings

  • Historical Lessons: Uses past examples to illustrate the outcomes of rejecting prophetic messages.

  • Urgency and Seriousness: Stresses the urgency and seriousness of his warnings based on historical precedents.

31-34: Alma concludes by emphasizing the mercy of God and the opportunity for redemption through repentance. He warns that continued rebellion will lead to destruction.

Final Warnings and Mercy

  • Divine Mercy: Highlights God’s willingness to forgive and show mercy to those who repent.

  • Final Warnings: Reiterates the dire consequences of continued rebellion and disobedience.


Alma 10

Alma 10 focuses on the account of Amulek, a prominent citizen of Ammonihah who becomes Alma’s companion in preaching. Amulek shares his background and conversion experience, providing a powerful witness to the people. He emphasizes the need for repentance and underscores the reality of divine judgment. The chapter highlights themes of conversion, testimony, and the importance of heeding prophetic counsel. Amulek’s testimony reinforces Alma’s warnings and illustrates the transformative power of the gospel.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Conversion and Testimony: Amulek’s story illustrates the power of conversion and the importance of bearing witness to the truth.

  • Support for Prophetic Mission: Emphasizes the significance of supporting and validating prophetic missions through personal testimony.

  • Consequences of Corruption: Addresses the serious consequences of leading others astray and the need for integrity and righteousness in leadership.

  • Heeding Spiritual Promptings: Encourages readers to be attentive to spiritual promptings and act upon them.

  • Integrity in Leadership: Stresses the need for honesty and integrity in all forms of leadership and the consequences of corruption.

  • Impact of Corrupt Leadership: Reflect on historical and modern examples of corrupt leadership and the resulting consequences.

  • Linguistic & Cultural Insights:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Alma 10

Verses 1-11: Amulek’s Background and Conversion

1-4: Amulek introduces himself, detailing his family background and social standing in Ammonihah. He admits to previously ignoring the spiritual promptings he received.

Personal Background

  • Social Standing: Amulek’s introduction establishes him as a credible and respected figure in the community.

  • Spiritual Neglect: Acknowledges his previous failures to heed spiritual promptings, demonstrating humility and honesty.

5-7: Amulek recounts how an angel appeared to him, instructing him to receive Alma and assist him in his mission.

Divine Intervention

  • Angel’s Visit: Amulek’s encounter with an angel underscores the divine nature of his calling and mission.

  • Call to Assist Alma: The angel’s message emphasizes the importance of supporting and working with Alma in preaching the gospel.

8-11: Amulek explains his subsequent conversion and commitment to the Lord’s work, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve.

Conversion and Commitment

  • Transformative Experience: Amulek’s conversion highlights the transformative power of divine encounters.

  • Commitment to Service: His willingness to serve alongside Alma demonstrates his dedication and faith.

Verses 12-23: Amulek’s Testimony and Call to Repentance

12-16: Amulek testifies of Alma’s teachings, affirming their truth and urging the people to listen and repent. He emphasizes the importance of Alma’s message and the consequences of rejecting it.

Affirmation of Alma’s Message

  • Support for Alma: Amulek’s testimony reinforces the validity of Alma’s teachings.

  • Urgency of Repentance: Emphasizes the need for the people to heed Alma’s warnings and repent.

17-23: Amulek addresses the corrupt lawyers and judges, accusing them of leading the people astray and seeking personal gain. He warns of the dire consequences they will face if they do not repent.

Rebuke of Corruption

  • Condemnation of Corrupt Leaders: Amulek boldly calls out the corruption and deceit of the leaders in Ammonihah.

  • Warning of Judgment: Highlights the impending divine judgment that awaits those who continue in their wickedness.


Alma 11

Alma 11 provides a detailed account of the legal and monetary systems among the Nephites, which sets the stage for the confrontation between Alma, Amulek, and the corrupt lawyers of Ammonihah. The chapter introduces Zeezrom, a cunning lawyer who initially seeks to entrap Alma and Amulek through deceptive questioning. However, his encounter with them leads to his eventual conviction. Themes of justice, deceit, and the power of testimony are prominent as Alma and Amulek boldly defend the truth.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Alma 11

Verses 1-20: Nephite Legal and Monetary Systems

1-4: The chapter begins with a description of the Nephite system of judges and lawyers, outlining their roles and responsibilities.

Legal Structure

  • Judicial Roles: Explains the organization of judges and their duties in maintaining law and order.

  • Lawyers’ Influence: Highlights the power and influence of lawyers within the legal system.

5-20: A detailed account of the Nephite monetary system follows, including the names and values of different units of currency.

Monetary System

  • Standardization: Describes the standardized weights and measures used in Nephite currency.

  • Economic Context: Provides context for the economic backdrop of the events that unfold in Ammonihah.

Verses 21-39: Zeezrom’s Challenge and Amulek’s Testimony

21-25: Zeezrom begins to question Amulek, offering him a significant bribe to deny the existence of God, attempting to entrap him.

Attempted Bribery

  • Deceptive Tactics: Zeezrom’s bribe highlights the corrupt practices used to undermine divine messages.

  • Integrity of Amulek: Amulek’s refusal of the bribe demonstrates his unwavering faith and integrity.

26-39: Amulek responds to Zeezrom’s questions with clarity and boldness, testifying of God’s power and the reality of the final judgment.

Bold Testimony

  • Defense of Faith: Amulek’s responses to Zeezrom’s challenges affirm his faith and understanding of divine principles.

  • Final Judgment: Emphasizes the inevitability and seriousness of the final judgment for all souls.

Verses 40-46: Alma’s Teachings on Resurrection and Redemption

40-45: Alma joins the discussion, expounding on the doctrines of resurrection and redemption through Jesus Christ. He explains the purpose of the resurrection and the redemption of mankind.

Doctrinal Clarification

  • Resurrection: Alma explains that all people will be resurrected, with their bodies and spirits reunited.

  • Redemption: Highlights the central role of Jesus Christ in the redemption and salvation of humanity.

46: Alma concludes by reaffirming the certainty of the resurrection and the reality of the final judgment.

Affirmation of Doctrine

  • Certainty of Resurrection: Alma emphasizes that the resurrection is a guaranteed event for all.

  • Reality of Judgment: Reiterates the seriousness of the final judgment and the need for righteous living.


Alma 12

Alma 12 continues the intense dialogue between Alma, Amulek, and the lawyers of Ammonihah, particularly focusing on Zeezrom. Alma expands on the doctrines of resurrection, judgment, and the plan of redemption, providing profound teachings on these subjects. The chapter underscores the importance of repentance, the consequences of rejecting the gospel, and the ultimate justice of God. It highlights themes of divine justice, human agency, and the eternal consequences of our choices.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Alma 12

Verses 1-7: Zeezrom’s Conviction and Alma’s Rebuttal

1-3: Zeezrom is struck with fear and guilt as Alma exposes his deceit and evil intentions, causing Zeezrom to tremble before them.

Guilt and Conviction

  • Zeezrom’s Fear: Zeezrom’s reaction indicates his recognition of the truth and his own guilt.

  • Power of Truth: The truth of Alma and Amulek’s words has a profound impact, exposing Zeezrom’s inner turmoil.

4-7: Alma rebukes Zeezrom, explaining how Satan has a strong hold on the hearts of those who seek to deceive and lead others astray. Alma declares that Zeezrom’s intentions have been exposed by the Spirit of God.

Exposure of Deception

  • Satan’s Influence: Alma highlights the dangers of allowing Satan to influence one’s actions.

  • Divine Revelation: The exposure of Zeezrom’s intentions demonstrates the power of divine revelation through the Spirit.

Verses 8-18: Alma’s Teachings on Resurrection and Judgment

8-11: Zeezrom, now genuinely interested, inquires further about the resurrection and final judgment. Alma explains that those who harden their hearts against the truth will be given less light, while those who accept and live by the truth will receive more.

Light and Understanding

  • Gradual Revelation: Alma teaches that spiritual knowledge is given according to one’s willingness to accept and live by it.

  • Eternal Progression: Emphasizes the principle of eternal progression based on one’s choices and receptiveness to truth.

12-18: Alma elaborates on the resurrection and the judgment, teaching that all will be resurrected and judged according to their works and the desires of their hearts. He warns of the second death for the wicked, emphasizing the eternal nature of God’s judgments.

Resurrection and Final Judgment

  • Resurrection for All: Alma reaffirms that everyone will be resurrected, with their bodies and spirits reunited.

  • Just Judgment: God’s judgment will be just, rewarding the righteous and condemning the wicked based on their actions and intentions.

  • Second Death: The second death is described as eternal separation from God for the unrepentant.

Verses 19-37: The Plan of Redemption and the Need for Repentance

19-25: Alma outlines the plan of redemption, explaining that after the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind became subject to both physical and spiritual death. However, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all can be redeemed if they repent.

The Plan of Redemption

  • Fall of Man: Describes the consequences of the fall, including both physical and spiritual death.

  • Atonement of Christ: Emphasizes the central role of Christ’s Atonement in overcoming these deaths and offering redemption.

26-30: Alma stresses that this life is a probationary state where individuals have the opportunity to repent and prepare for the final judgment. He highlights the importance of making righteous choices and seeking forgiveness.

Probationary State

  • Opportunity to Repent: This life is given as a time to repent and prepare for eternity.

  • Importance of Choices: Stresses the significance of making righteous decisions and the availability of divine mercy through repentance.

31-37: Alma concludes by urging the people to not harden their hearts and to accept the word of God. He warns of the consequences of rejecting the gospel and choosing to follow Satan instead.

Urgent Call to Repentance

  • Warning Against Rejection: Alma warns of the dire consequences of rejecting God’s word.

  • Call to Acceptance: Encourages the people to open their hearts and accept the gospel message to receive the blessings of redemption.

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