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“Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ” Part 1

Writer: CFMCornerCFMCorner

CFM: August 12–18

For the Blessings of Liberty, by Scott M. Snow

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Resources and Insights for this Week's Lesson  

The Book of Mormon: A Cultural and Religious Dialogue

We are currently preparing for my daughter's wedding, so my time is quite limited this week. Unfortunately, I won't be able to add any additional commentaries at this time. However, I recommend checking out the Talking Scripture commentaries on the War Chapters—they provide a helpful overview of the major themes and topics covered in this week's and next week's materials. While I may not be able to produce everything that I would like, as quickly as I would hope, I still plan to send out the overviews and resource links, though they might be a bit delayed. Thanks for your understanding!

Due to the large amount of materials covered in this week's lesson, I had to break the lesson up into two parts. Here is the link to the next section.

Additional Resources:



Alma 43 marks the beginning of a new phase in the Book of Mormon narrative, focusing on the military conflicts between the Nephites and the Lamanites. In this chapter, the Nephites, led by Captain Moroni, face an invasion by the Lamanites under the command of Zerahemnah. The chapter highlights themes of courage, faith, and divine protection as the Nephites, though outnumbered, are prepared and fortified both physically and spiritually. Captain Moroni's strategic brilliance and reliance on God play a crucial role in defending their liberty and preserving their way of life. Alma 43 sets the stage for the ongoing wars and underscores the importance of righteousness, preparation, and trust in the Lord in overcoming the challenges of life.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Verses 1-4: The Lamanite Invasion Begins

1. Introduction: The narrative shifts to the military conflicts between the Nephites and Lamanites.

2. Zerahemnah’s Leadership: The Lamanites are led by Zerahemnah, who aims to bring the Nephites into bondage.

3. Dissensions Among the Nephites: Dissensions among the Nephites lead to increased Lamanite strength.

4. The Lamanite Army Advances: The Lamanites prepare to attack the Nephites, motivated by hatred and a desire for power.


  • Military Conflict: The beginning of the Nephite-Lamanite wars.

  • Leadership: Zerahemnah’s role as the leader of the Lamanites.

  • Internal Dissension: How internal Nephite dissent strengthens the Lamanites.

  • Motivation for War: The Lamanites’ motivation rooted in hatred and desire for domination.

Verses 5-10: Captain Moroni Prepares for War

5. Captain Moroni Introduced: Captain Moroni, a young but capable leader, is introduced.

6. Preparation for Defense: Moroni prepares the Nephites for defense, fortifying them with armor and shields.

7. Strategic Positioning: Moroni positions his forces to defend their lands and liberties.

8. Moral Motivation: Unlike the Lamanites, the Nephites are motivated by the defense of their homes, families, and religious freedom.

9. Righteous Intent: The Nephites’ righteous intent contrasts with the Lamanites’ aggression.

10. Seeking the Lord’s Guidance: Moroni seeks divine guidance in preparing for battle.


  • Leadership and Strategy: Captain Moroni’s strategic brilliance and leadership.

  • Preparation and Fortification: The importance of physical and spiritual preparation for battle.

  • Righteous Leadership & Motivation: Under the leadership of a righteous captain, the Nephites’ prepare to defend their liberty and faith.

  • Leaders with Moral Integrity & Character Capacity to Seek & Receive Divine Guidance: Moroni’s reliance on the Lord for direction.

Verses 11-19: The Battle Begins

11. The Nephites’ Defense: The Nephites, fortified and prepared, engage the Lamanites in battle.

12. Lamanite Disadvantage: The Lamanites are surprised by the Nephites’ preparation and armor.

13. The Battle Rages: Intense fighting ensues between the Nephites and Lamanites.

14. Divine Protection: The Nephites, though outnumbered, receive divine protection.

15. Zerahemnah’s Rage: Zerahemnah becomes enraged as the Lamanites begin to falter. 

16-17. Moroni’s Tactical Advantage: Moroni’s strategic positioning and the Nephites’ superior preparation give them an advantage.

18. Nephite Fortifications: The Nephite fortifications prove effective against the Lamanite assault.

19. Lamanite Losses: The Lamanites suffer significant losses as the battle continues.


  • Divine Protection: The Lord’s protection over the Nephites in battle.

  • Battle Strategy: Moroni’s tactics and preparation give the Nephites an advantage.

  • Fortification: The importance of physical and spiritual fortifications in defense.

  • Lamanite Desperation: Zerahemnah’s frustration as the battle turns against the Lamanites.

Verses 20-33: Moroni Offers a Peaceful Resolution

20. Moroni’s Offer: Moroni offers Zerahemnah and the Lamanites a chance to surrender and make an oath of peace.

21. Zerahemnah’s Refusal: Zerahemnah refuses to surrender, determined to continue the fight.

22. Moroni’s Mercy: Despite Zerahemnah’s refusal, Moroni shows mercy by giving them another chance to lay down their weapons.

23. Continued Conflict: Zerahemnah’s refusal leads to renewed conflict.

24. The Tide Turns: The Nephites, with divine assistance, begin to overpower the Lamanites.

25. Zerahemnah’s Desperation: As his forces falter, Zerahemnah makes a desperate attempt to rally his troops.

26-27. Final Struggle: The Nephites press the attack, further weakening the Lamanites.

28. Zerahemnah’s Wound: Zerahemnah is wounded but continues to resist.

29. Zerahemnah’s Defeat: Finally, recognizing defeat, Zerahemnah surrenders and makes the oath of peace.

30. Nephite Victory: The Nephites, due to their superior strategy and armor, gradually gain the upper hand, inflicting heavy losses on the Lamanites.

31. Zerahemnah’s Desperation: Seeing his forces decimated, Zerahemnah becomes increasingly desperate but refuses to surrender.

32. Moroni’s Final Warning: Moroni, recognizing the unnecessary bloodshed, again offers Zerahemnah a chance to surrender and make a covenant of peace.

33. Zerahemnah’s Reluctant Surrender: Realizing he has no other option, Zerahemnah reluctantly agrees to Moroni’s terms, but only after nearly being killed in combat.


  • Mercy and Justice: Moroni’s offer of peace versus Zerahemnah’s refusal.

  • Divine Assistance: The Nephites’ success attributed to divine intervention.

  • Persistence in Righteousness: Moroni’s persistence in offering peace while remaining firm in defense. Moroni’s repeated offers of peace highlight the Nephites’ commitment to righteous principles, even in warfare.

  • Zerahemnah’s Pride: Zerahemnah’s initial refusal to surrender underscores the destructive nature of pride and ambition.

Verses 34-43: The Aftermath of the Battle

34. Covenant of Peace: The Lamanites who survive the battle are forced to make a covenant of peace, swearing never to attack the Nephites again.

35. Zerahemnah’s Humiliation: Zerahemnah is humiliated by his defeat but agrees to the terms, recognizing the futility of further resistance.

36. Lamanites Retreat: The remaining Lamanites are allowed to return to their lands after making the covenant, ending the immediate threat to the Nephites.

37. Nephite Gratitude: The Nephites express gratitude to God for their victory, acknowledging the divine assistance they received in defending their lands.

38. Reflection on the Cost of War: The Nephites reflect on the heavy cost of the battle, mourning the loss of their fellow soldiers and the destruction caused by the conflict.

39. Moroni’s Leadership Praised: Captain Moroni is praised for his leadership and strategic brilliance, which saved the Nephites from destruction.

40. Reinforcing Defenses: Moroni orders the strengthening of Nephite defenses, recognizing that the Lamanites may break their covenant in the future.

41. Divine Protection Acknowledged: The Nephites reaffirm their faith in God, recognizing that their victory was a result of divine protection and guidance.

42. Restoration of Peace: The Nephites enjoy a period of peace following the battle, focusing on rebuilding and strengthening their society.

43. Ongoing Vigilance: Despite the peace, the Nephites remain vigilant, aware of the ongoing threat posed by the Lamanites.


  • Divine Providence: The Nephites recognize that their victory was made possible by divine intervention and protection.

  • The Costs of War: The chapter reflects on the heavy toll of war, both in terms of lives lost and the impact on society.

  • Ongoing Vigilance and Preparation: The Nephites’ continued vigilance and efforts to strengthen their defenses highlight the importance of preparation even in times of peace.

Verses 44-54: Zerahemnah’s Covenant and Nephite Commitment to Liberty

44. Zerahemnah’s Resentment: Although he makes the covenant, Zerahemnah remains resentful and bitter, harboring a desire for revenge.

45. Lamanite Withdrawal: The Lamanites withdraw from Nephite territory, honoring the covenant they made, albeit reluctantly.

46. Nephite Unity: The Nephites, united under Captain Moroni’s leadership, work together to rebuild and prepare for future challenges.

47. Commitment to Liberty: The Nephites reaffirm their commitment to defending their liberty, families, and faith, recognizing the ongoing threat of Lamanite aggression.

48. Mourning the Fallen: The Nephites mourn the loss of their fallen soldiers, holding solemn ceremonies to honor their sacrifice.

49. Divine Protection and Gratitude: The Nephites express continued gratitude for divine protection, recognizing the hand of God in their victory.

50. Strengthening Society: The Nephites focus on strengthening their society, both spiritually and physically, to withstand future challenges.

51. Leadership of Captain Moroni: Moroni continues to lead with wisdom and courage, inspiring confidence and unity among the Nephites.

52. Preparation for Future Conflict: The Nephites, aware of the ongoing Lamanite threat, continue to prepare for future battles, reinforcing their defenses and training their armies.

53. Reflection on Justice and Mercy: The chapter concludes with a reflection on the justice and mercy shown by the Nephites in their dealings with the Lamanites, highlighting the moral responsibilities of leadership.

54. End of the Conflict: The immediate conflict ends with the withdrawal of the Lamanites, but the Nephites remain prepared and vigilant for any future threats.


  • Justice and Mercy in Leadership: The Nephites’ treatment of the Lamanites reflects a balance between justice and mercy, highlighting the moral responsibilities of leadership.

  • Commitment to Liberty: The Nephites’ commitment to defending their liberty and way of life is a central theme throughout the chapter.

  • Unity and Strength: The unity and strength of the Nephites under Captain Moroni’s leadership are key to their success in the conflict.


Alma 44 continues the narrative of the conflict between the Nephites, led by Captain Moroni, and the Lamanites, led by Zerahemnah. Following the intense battle in Alma 43, this chapter focuses on the resolution of the conflict. It highlights themes of mercy, justice, covenant-making, and divine intervention as Captain Moroni offers the Lamanites a chance to surrender and make an oath of peace, ultimately leading to the Lamanites' defeat.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Verses 1-5: Moroni’s Offer of Peace

  1. Moroni’s Address: Captain Moroni, seeing that the Lamanites are surrounded and defeated, speaks to Zerahemnah and offers terms of peace.

  2. Conditions for Peace: Moroni demands that the Lamanites lay down their weapons and make an oath never to come against the Nephites again.

  3. Acknowledgment of God’s Hand: Moroni attributes the Nephite victory to the power of God, emphasizing that their success is due to their faithfulness.

  4. Zerahemnah’s Response: Zerahemnah refuses to acknowledge the power of God and declines Moroni’s terms, rejecting the oath.

  5. Warning from Moroni: Moroni warns Zerahemnah that if he refuses the offer, the Nephites will be forced to continue the battle, leading to the complete destruction of the Lamanite forces.

Primary Themes

  • Mercy and Justice: Moroni’s offer of peace shows a balance between mercy and justice.

  • Divine Acknowledgment: Moroni credits the Nephite victory to divine intervention, reflecting his faith in God’s protection.

  • Covenant-Making: The importance of making and keeping covenants, as symbolized by the oath of peace.

  • Pride and Stubbornness: Zerahemnah’s refusal to acknowledge God and his rejection of the peace offer illustrate the dangers of pride and stubbornness.

Verses 6-10: Renewed Conflict

6. Zerahemnah’s Defiance: Zerahemnah, filled with rage, breaks the peace negotiation, declaring that he will not submit to the Nephites.

7. Return to Battle: Zerahemnah attacks Moroni, but Moroni’s soldiers are prepared, and Zerahemnah is struck down.

8. Zerahemnah’s Sword Broken: One of Moroni’s soldiers breaks Zerahemnah’s sword, symbolizing the futility of his defiance.

9. Renewed Offer of Peace: Despite Zerahemnah’s defiance, Moroni again offers peace, asking the Lamanites to lay down their weapons and swear an oath.

10. Zerahemnah’s Realization: Seeing the destruction of his forces and recognizing his weakened position, Zerahemnah finally agrees to the terms of peace.


  • Pride and Downfall: Zerahemnah’s continued defiance leads to his downfall.

  • Symbolic Defeat: The breaking of Zerahemnah’s sword symbolizes the futility of fighting against divine will.

  • Persistence of Moroni: Moroni’s continued offer of peace reflects his commitment to justice and mercy.

  • Covenant of Peace: The eventual surrender of Zerahemnah and the oath of peace highlight the importance of covenants in achieving lasting peace.

Verses 11-14: The Surrender and Oath

11. Lamanite Surrender: Zerahemnah and his remaining soldiers surrender, agreeing to lay down their weapons.

12. Oath of Peace: The Lamanites swear an oath never to come against the Nephites again, fulfilling Moroni’s condition for their release.

13. Return of Weapons: The Lamanites give up their weapons of war as a symbol of their commitment to the oath.

14. Departure of the Lamanites: The Lamanite army departs peacefully, returning to their own lands.


  • Covenant and Commitment: The Lamanites’ surrender and oath demonstrate the power of covenants in maintaining peace.

  • Symbolism of Weapons: The laying down of weapons represents the Lamanites’ submission and their acceptance of the peace agreement.

  • Resolution of Conflict: The peaceful departure of the Lamanites marks the resolution of the conflict through covenant-making.

Verses 15-20: Aftermath and Reflection

15. Moroni’s Leadership: The Nephites, under Moroni’s leadership, successfully defend their lands without further bloodshed.

16. Divine Gratitude: The Nephites give thanks to God for their victory and for preserving their liberty.

17. The Strength of Covenants: The narrative emphasizes the strength and importance of covenants, as the Lamanites abide by their oath.

18. Nephite Preparation: The Nephites remain vigilant and continue to prepare for any future threats.

19. Reflection: The chapter includes a reflection on the Nephites’ success, which is attributed to their faithfulness and the righteousness of their cause.


  • Gratitude and Faith: The Nephites express gratitude to God for their victory and preservation.

  • Covenant Faithfulness: The importance of keeping covenants, both for the Lamanites and the Nephites.

  • Vigilance: The Nephites’ continued vigilance highlights the need for ongoing preparation and defense.

  • Divine Favor: The Nephites’ success is attributed to their faithfulness and the divine favor they receive as a result.

Verses 20-24: Final Submission and Departure of the Lamanites

20. Final Submission: Zerahemnah and the remaining Lamanites, seeing no other option, lay down their weapons and swear the oath of peace.

21. Completion of Oath: The Lamanites solemnly swear to never return to battle against the Nephites, marking the formal end of the conflict.

22. Return of Weapons: As a sign of their submission and the seriousness of their oath, the Lamanites give up their weapons.

23. Lamanite Departure: After making the oath and surrendering their weapons, the Lamanites depart peacefully.

24. Nephite Reflection and Preparation: The Nephites, led by Moroni, reflect on their victory and continue to prepare for any future conflicts, maintaining their vigilance.


  • Final Submission: The complete submission of the Lamanites, ensuring peace through the power of covenants.

  • Oath and Commitment: The significance of oaths in securing peace and the Lamanites’ commitment to honoring their covenant.

  • End of Conflict: The resolution of the conflict and the peaceful departure of the Lamanites.

  • Ongoing Vigilance: The Nephites’ continued vigilance and preparation for future challenges.


Alma 45 marks a pivotal point in the Book of Mormon narrative, as it focuses on the transition of leadership and the ongoing spiritual challenges faced by the Nephites. In this chapter, Alma the Younger confers the sacred records and leadership responsibilities to his son Helaman. Alma then prophesies about the future of the Nephites, expressing concern about their eventual downfall due to wickedness. The chapter ends with Alma's mysterious departure and the preparation of the Nephites for future conflicts. Themes of leadership, prophecy, faithfulness, and the importance of spiritual preparation are central to this chapter.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Maintaining Righteousness: The Nephites’ efforts to remain faithful and obedient to God’s commandments.

  • Influence of Dissenters: The threat posed by internal dissenters like Amalickiah, who seek power and stir up conflict.

  • Preparation for War: Both the Lamanites and Nephites prepare for the coming war, highlighting the importance of vigilance and readiness.

  • Leadership in Times of Peace and War: The contrast between the peaceful leadership of Helaman and the warlike ambitions of Amalickiah

  • Leadership Transition: The passing of spiritual leadership and responsibility from one generation to the next.

  • Prophecy and Covenant: The role of prophecy and the importance of the covenant concerning the land.

  • Warnings of Destruction: The prophetic warnings about the consequences of wickedness.

  • Divine Intervention: The possibility of divine intervention in Alma’s departure, adding to his legacy as a prophet.

  • Faith and Responsibility: The importance of faithfulness and the responsibility of leading righteously.

  • Preparation and Vigilance: The need for continual preparation and vigilance in the face of internal and external threats.

  • Cultural Insights:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Verses 1-5: Alma’s Charge to Helaman

  1. Alma’s Questions: Alma questions Helaman about his faith and commitment to the gospel.

  2. Helaman’s Testimony: Helaman affirms his belief in Jesus Christ and his commitment to the gospel.

  3. Charge to Helaman: Alma charges Helaman to keep the commandments and to lead the Nephites with righteousness.

  4. The Records and Plates: Alma entrusts Helaman with the sacred records, plates, and other religious artifacts, emphasizing their importance.

  5. Helaman’s Responsibility: Alma reminds Helaman of the importance of his responsibility in preserving the records and leading the people.


  • Leadership and Responsibility: Alma passes the mantle of leadership and the responsibility of the sacred records to Helaman.

  • Faithfulness: Helaman’s testimony and commitment to the gospel are affirmed.

  • Sacred Trust: The importance of preserving the sacred records and fulfilling one’s spiritual responsibilities.

Verses 6-8: Alma’s Prophecy

6. Prophetic Inquiry: Alma asks Helaman if he believes the words of the prophets.

7. Helaman’s Affirmation: Helaman affirms his belief in the words of the prophets.

8. Alma’s Prophecy: Alma prophesies the eventual destruction of the Nephites if they fall into wickedness, warning of the consequences of turning away from God.


  • Prophecy and Warning: Alma’s prophecy serves as a warning to the Nephites about the dangers of wickedness.

  • Belief in Prophetic Words: The importance of believing in and heeding the words of the prophets.

  • Consequences of Wickedness: The prophecy highlights the inevitable consequences of turning away from God.

Verses 9-10: The Covenant of the Land

9. Covenant with God: Alma reminds Helaman of the covenant God made with Lehi—that the land would be a land of liberty as long as the inhabitants remained righteous.

10. Condition of the Covenant: Alma emphasizes that the blessings of the land are conditional upon the righteousness of the people.


  • Covenant and Land: The sacred covenant between God and the people concerning the land.

  • Conditional Blessings: The blessings of liberty and prosperity are contingent upon the people’s righteousness.

  • National Prosperity and Righteousness: The relationship between the spiritual state of the people and their national well-being.

Verses 11-14: Alma’s Prophecy of the Nephite Downfall

11. Prophecy of Destruction: Alma prophesies the eventual destruction of the Nephites due to their future wickedness.

12. Timeline of Downfall: Alma indicates that the Nephites’ downfall will occur in the distant future after many generations.

13. Sorrow for the Future: Alma expresses sorrow for the future generations who will suffer due to their wickedness.

14. Hope for the Righteous: Alma provides hope that the righteous among the Nephites will be saved and receive the blessings of eternal life.


  • Prophetic Sorrow: Alma’s sorrow for the future downfall of the Nephites.

  • Hope for the Righteous: Despite the prophecy of destruction, there is hope for those who remain faithful.

  • Long-Term Consequences: The far-reaching consequences of the Nephites’ choices on future generations.

Verses 15-19: Alma’s Mysterious Departure

15. Alma’s Final Counsel: Alma gives final counsel to his son Helaman and to the people, urging them to remain faithful.

16. Alma’s Departure: Alma departs from the land, and the people do not know where he went.

17. Mystery of Alma’s Fate: The text suggests that Alma may have been taken up by the Lord, similar to the prophet Elijah.

18. Helaman’s Leadership: Helaman assumes full leadership after Alma’s departure.

19. Nephite Preparation: The Nephites begin to prepare for future challenges, spiritually and militarily.


  • Transition of Leadership: The shift of leadership from Alma to Helaman.

  • Mysterious Departure: The mysterious circumstances surrounding Alma’s departure.

  • Divine Intervention: The possibility of divine intervention in Alma’s departure, paralleling other prophetic figures like Elijah.

  • Preparation for the Future: The Nephites’ preparation for future challenges under Helaman’s leadership.

Verses 20-24: Nephite Preparation for War

20. Continued Righteousness: The Nephites maintain their righteousness, keeping the commandments of God.

21. Peace Under Helaman’s Leadership: The Nephites experience a period of peace as they follow the teachings of Helaman.

22. Amalickiah's Scheming: Amidst this peace, Amalickiah begins to plot to overthrow the government and become king, stirring up dissent.

23. Lamanite Preparations for War: The Lamanites, under the influence of dissenters like Amalickiah, begin to prepare for war against the Nephites.

24. Nephite Vigilance: The Nephites, led by Helaman and other leaders, remain vigilant and prepare for the impending conflict.


  • Maintaining Righteousness: The Nephites’ efforts to remain faithful and obedient to God’s commandments.

  • Influence of Dissenters: The threat posed by internal dissenters like Amalickiah, who seek power and stir up conflict.

  • Preparation for War: Both the Lamanites and Nephites prepare for the coming war, highlighting the importance of vigilance and readiness.

  • Leadership in Times of Peace and War: The contrast between the peaceful leadership of Helaman and the warlike ambitions of Amalickiah.


Alma 46 continues the narrative of the political and spiritual challenges faced by the Nephites, focusing on the rebellion of Amalickiah, a wicked and ambitious man who seeks to become king over the Nephites. Captain Moroni, a righteous leader, stands in opposition to Amalickiah’s schemes. This chapter highlights themes of liberty, covenant-making, and the importance of righteous leadership as Captain Moroni rallies the Nephites to defend their freedom and their religion, symbolized by the Title of Liberty.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Verses 1-6: The Rebellion of Amalickiah

  1. Amalickiah’s Ambition: Amalickiah, a cunning and ambitious Nephite, seeks to become king over the Nephites.

2. Dissent and Division: Amalickiah uses flattery and deception to draw away many Nephites, creating division among the people.

3. Amalickiah’s Followers: Many people, including those who seek power and wealth, follow Amalickiah, forming a significant faction.

4. Danger of Rebellion: The rebellion threatens the peace and stability of the Nephite nation.

5. Threat to Liberty: Amalickiah’s actions are not just a political threat, but a threat to the Nephites’ liberty and freedom of religion.

6. Call to Action: The situation becomes dire, requiring immediate action from the righteous Nephites to prevent Amalickiah’s plans from succeeding.


  • Ambition and Rebellion: Amalickiah’s ambition leads to rebellion and division among the Nephites.

  • Danger to Liberty: The rebellion threatens the Nephites’ freedom, both politically and spiritually.

  • Righteous Response: The need for righteous leaders to respond to threats against liberty and faith.

Verses 7-10: Moroni’s Response and the Title of Liberty

7. Moroni’s Leadership: Captain Moroni, the chief captain of the Nephites, recognizes the danger posed by Amalickiah’s rebellion.

8. Creation of the Title of Liberty: Moroni, in response to the threat, tears his coat and writes upon it a declaration of liberty, calling it the Title of Liberty.

9. Symbol of Freedom: The Title of Liberty reads, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.”

10. Rallying the People: Moroni fastens the Title of Liberty to a pole and goes among the people, rallying them to defend their freedom and their faith.


  • Righteous Leadership: Captain Moroni’s proactive response to the threat of rebellion.

  • Symbolism: The Title of Liberty as a powerful symbol of the Nephites’ commitment to God, family, and freedom.

  • Unity and Defense: The unification of the people around a common cause, inspired by the Title of Liberty.

Verses 11-16: The Covenant of the People

11. Moroni’s Prayer: Moroni prays mightily to God, asking for strength and protection for the Nephites as they defend their liberties.

12. Rallying to the Title of Liberty: The Nephites are inspired by Moroni’s actions and the Title of Liberty; they come together to make a covenant to defend their rights and their religion.

13. Covenant-Making: The people covenant to support Moroni and defend their liberty, swearing an oath to protect their land, faith, and families.

14. God’s Protection: The people believe that God will protect them as long as they are faithful to their covenant.

15. Unity in Purpose: The Nephites are unified in their purpose, ready to defend their nation against internal and external threats.

16. The Name of Christians: The people are known as Christians, showing their commitment to Christ and to the principles of the gospel.


  • Covenant and Commitment: The Nephites make a solemn covenant to defend their freedom and religion.

  • Faith in God: The Nephites’ faith that God will protect them if they remain true to their covenant.

  • Unity and Solidarity: The unification of the Nephites around the principles of liberty and faith.

Verses 17-22: Amalickiah’s Retreat and the Nephite Response

17. Amalickiah’s Retreat: Seeing the strength and unity of the people, Amalickiah flees to the land of Nephi to seek support from the Lamanites.

18. Moroni’s Pursuit: Moroni sends forces to pursue Amalickiah and his followers, determined to prevent further division.

19. Capture of Dissenters: Many of Amalickiah’s followers are captured and brought back to face judgment.

20. Judgment of the Dissenters: Those who refuse to support the cause of liberty are put to death, while those who repent are spared. 

21-22. Peace Restored: With the rebellion quelled, peace is temporarily restored among the Nephites, and the people recommit to their covenants.


  • Justice and Judgment: The consequences faced by those who oppose liberty reflect the seriousness of their rebellion.

  • Preventing Further Conflict: Moroni’s actions are decisive in preventing Amalickiah from gaining further power.

  • Restoration of Peace: The Nephites’ efforts lead to a temporary restoration of peace.

Verses 23-27: Amalickiah’s Continued Ambition

23. Amalickiah’s Escape: Despite the efforts of Moroni’s forces, Amalickiah manages to escape to the land of Nephi.

24 Amalickiah’s Ambitions: Amalickiah is determined to achieve his goal of becoming king, now turning to the Lamanites for support.

25. Lamanite Alliance: Amalickiah begins to stir up the Lamanites, seeking their aid in his quest for power. 

26-27. Threat of Future Conflict: The Nephites, aware of the ongoing threat, continue to prepare for future conflicts, strengthening their defenses.


  • Persistence of Wickedness: Amalickiah’s ambition remains unchecked, posing an ongoing threat to Nephite stability.

  • Alliance with the Enemy: Amalickiah’s willingness to align with the Lamanites underscores the extent of his treachery.

  • Preparation and Vigilance: The Nephites remain vigilant, aware that the conflict is far from over.

Verses 28-41: Moroni’s Preparations and the Title of Liberty

28. Fortifying the Nephite Lands: Moroni continues to strengthen the Nephite cities and prepare for the inevitable conflict with the Lamanites.

29. Raising the Title of Liberty: Moroni raises the Title of Liberty in every Nephite city as a reminder of the people’s covenant and commitment.

30. Renewed Commitment: The Nephites, inspired by Moroni’s leadership and the Title of Liberty, renew their commitment to defend their land and faith. 

31-32. Amalickiah’s Continued Efforts: Amalickiah continues his efforts to stir up the Lamanites, seeking to bring them against the Nephites. 

33-34. Strengthening the Lamanite Alliance: Amalickiah uses flattery and deceit to gain the support of the Lamanites. 

35-36. Nephite Vigilance: The Nephites remain on high alert, aware of Amalickiah’s schemes and preparing accordingly. 

37-39. Lamanite Preparations: Under Amalickiah’s influence, the Lamanites begin to prepare for war against the Nephites. 

40-41. Moroni’s Continued Leadership: Moroni’s leadership continues to inspire the Nephites, as they fortify their defenses and remain united in their commitment to God and liberty.


  • Fortification and Defense: The ongoing efforts to strengthen the Nephite cities reflect the importance of preparation in the face of threats.

  • Symbolism of the Title of Liberty: The Title of Liberty serves as a powerful symbol of unity and commitment throughout the Nephite lands.

  • Leadership and Unity: Moroni’s leadership plays a crucial role in maintaining the unity and resolve of the Nephites.

  • Ongoing Threats: Amalickiah’s continued efforts to stir up the Lamanites highlight the persistent dangers faced by the Nephites.


Alma 47 details the cunning and treacherous rise of Amalickiah as he manipulates his way to power among the Lamanites, eventually becoming their king. Through deceit, murder, and manipulation, Amalickiah turns the Lamanite nation against the Nephites. This chapter emphasizes themes of ambition, treachery, the corrupting influence of power, and the consequences of unrighteous leadership.

References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:

  • Ambition and Corruption: The corrupting influence of unchecked ambition, as seen in Amalickiah’s rise to power.

  • Beware of Ambition: Encourages readers to be wary of unchecked ambition and its potential to corrupt.

  • Deception and Manipulation: The dangers of deceit and manipulation in leadership and their impact on a nation.

  • Righteous Leadership vs. Wicked Leadership: The stark contrast between Captain Moroni’s righteous leadership and Amalickiah’s treachery.

  • The Importance of Righteous Leadership: Highlights the need for righteous and moral leadership in all aspects of life.

  • Preparation for and  and Vigilance in Conflict: The importance of preparation and vigilance, both spiritual and temporal, in the face of looming threats.

  • Consequences of Wickedness: The chapter highlights the inevitable consequences of wicked leadership on both the oppressor and the oppressed.

  • Spiritual Decline and Its Consequences: Consider the impact of spiritual decline on a society, as illustrated by the Lamanites under Amalickiah’s rule.

  • The Role of Propaganda in Leadership: Discuss the use of propaganda in history and its effects on society.

  • Unity and Faith: Inspires readers to maintain unity and faith in the face of external threats and internal challenges.

Major Topics/ Themes

​Cross-References, Videos & Resources

Verses 1-7: Amalickiah’s Initial Strategy

1. Amalickiah’s Escape: After fleeing from the Nephites, Amalickiah arrives among the Lamanites, where he begins his schemes to gain power.

2. Stirring Up the Lamanites: Amalickiah persuades the Lamanites to prepare for war against the Nephites, exploiting their dissatisfaction.

3. Lamanite Division: Many Lamanite leaders, including Lehonti, do not want to go to war and retreat to a mountain called Antipas.

4. Amalickiah’s Proposal: Amalickiah, pretending to support peace, proposes a plan to bring Lehonti and his followers down from the mountain.

5. Lehonti’s Reluctance: Despite his initial resistance, Lehonti eventually agrees to meet with Amalickiah under deceptive circumstances.

6. Lehonti’s Downfall: Lehonti accepts Amalickiah’s offer to take command of the Lamanite army, unaware of Amalickiah’s true intentions.

7. Amalickiah’s Scheme: Amalickiah’s plan involves slowly poisoning Lehonti to take over the Lamanite army without suspicion.


  • Deception and Manipulation: Amalickiah uses deceit to manipulate those around him to gain power.

  • Reluctance to War: The division among the Lamanites reflects a reluctance to engage in unnecessary conflict.

  • Treachery in Leadership: Amalickiah’s willingness to betray and murder to achieve his goals highlights the dangers of corrupt leadership.

Verses 8-13: Amalickiah Takes Control of the Lamanite Army

8. Lehonti’s Death: Lehonti is slowly poisoned by Amalickiah and eventually dies, leaving Amalickiah in control of the Lamanite army.

9. Amalickiah’s Ascension: With Lehonti out of the way, Amalickiah quickly ascends to command the entire Lamanite army.

10. Amalickiah’s Cunning: Amalickiah’s cunning and treachery are highlighted as he achieves his goal of military command.

11. The King’s Suspicions: The Lamanite king, who had originally called for war against the Nephites, is unaware of Amalickiah’s plot but begins to suspect him.

12. Amalickiah’s Next Move: To secure his power, Amalickiah plots to kill the Lamanite king.

13. Amalickiah’s Deception: Amalickiah sends his servants to kill the king while he remains with the army, ensuring that he is not directly implicated.


  • Ambition and Treachery: Amalickiah’s ambition drives him to commit murder to achieve his goals.

  • Manipulation of Power: Amalickiah manipulates his way to the top through cunning and treachery.

  • Corruption in Leadership: The narrative highlights the corrupting influence of unchecked ambition and the dangers it poses to a nation.

Verses 14-21: The Assassination of the Lamanite King

14. The Assassination: The Lamanite king is murdered by Amalickiah’s servants, following Amalickiah’s orders.

15. Blaming the King’s Servants: Amalickiah frames the king’s servants for the murder, creating chaos and distrust among the Lamanites.

16. Amalickiah’s Power Grab: Amid the chaos, Amalickiah positions himself as the king’s avenger and gains the support of the Lamanite army.

17. Amalickiah’s Deceit: Amalickiah continues to deceive the Lamanites, presenting himself as a loyal subject while secretly consolidating power.

18. Amalickiah Marries the Queen: Amalickiah marries the widow of the slain king, further solidifying his claim to the throne.

19. Coronation as King: Amalickiah is crowned king of the Lamanites, having manipulated and murdered his way to power. 

20-21. Lamanite Submission: The Lamanite people submit to Amalickiah’s rule, unaware of the full extent of his treachery.


  • Murder and Deceit: Amalickiah’s willingness to murder and deceive to gain power illustrates the depths of his corruption.

  • Manipulation of Power: The chapter highlights the ease with which a cunning individual can manipulate and corrupt an entire nation.

  • Consequences of Wicked Leadership: The rise of Amalickiah foreshadows the suffering that his wicked leadership will bring to the Lamanites and Nephites alike.

Verses 22-30: Amalickiah’s Rule and Preparations for War

22. Consolidating Power: As king, Amalickiah consolidates his power, ensuring that his rule is unchallenged.

23. Stirring Up the Lamanites: Amalickiah begins to stir up the Lamanites to prepare for a major war against the Nephites.

24. Propaganda and Deception: Amalickiah uses propaganda and deceit to convince the Lamanites of the necessity of war, furthering his own ambitions.

25. Building an Army: Amalickiah strengthens the Lamanite army, preparing for the upcoming conflict with the Nephites.

26. Nephite Vigilance: The Nephites, aware of the growing threat, continue to prepare and fortify their cities under Captain Moroni’s leadership.

27. Spiritual and Temporal Preparation: The Nephites focus on both spiritual and temporal preparations, ensuring they are ready to defend their land.

28. Moral Decline of the Lamanites: Under Amalickiah’s influence, the moral state of the Lamanite nation declines as they prepare for war.


  • Preparation for War: Both the Lamanites and Nephites prepare for the impending conflict, with vastly different motivations.

  • Corruption and Propaganda: Amalickiah’s use of deceit and propaganda highlights the corrupting influence of power.

  • Vigilance in Defense: The Nephites’ preparation underscores the importance of vigilance in the face of growing threats.

Verses 31-35: The Nephite Response to Amalickiah’s Threat

31. Captain Moroni’s Leadership: Captain Moroni continues to lead the Nephites in preparation for the coming conflict with the Lamanites.

32. Strengthening Nephite Defenses: Moroni fortifies the Nephite cities, focusing on key strategic locations.

33. Encouraging the Nephites: Moroni encourages the Nephites to remain strong in their faith and to trust in God’s protection.

34. Spiritual Preparation: The Nephites are reminded to maintain their spiritual strength through prayer and obedience to God’s commandments.

35. Unity Among the Nephites: Moroni works to maintain unity among the Nephites, knowing that internal division could weaken their defense.


  • Righteous Leadership: Captain Moroni’s leadership contrasts sharply with Amalickiah’s treachery, emphasizing the importance of righteous leaders.

  • Fortification and Preparation: The Nephites’ focus on both physical and spiritual fortification highlights the need for comprehensive preparation in times of conflict.

  • Unity and Faith: The importance of unity and faith in withstanding external threats is emphasized through Moroni’s actions.

Verses 36-41: The Effects of Amalickiah’s Rule

36. Lamanite Subjugation: Under Amalickiah’s rule, the Lamanites are increasingly subjugated and compelled to follow his warlike ambitions.

37. Amalickiah’s Ruthlessness: Amalickiah’s ruthless pursuit of power leads to further oppression and suffering among the Lamanites.

38. Nephite Resilience: Despite the growing threat, the Nephites remain resilient and committed to defending their liberties.

39. Spiritual Decline of the Lamanites: The Lamanite nation continues to decline spiritually under Amalickiah’s corrupt leadership.

40. Preparation for War: Both nations prepare for the inevitable conflict, with the Nephites relying on their faith and fortifications.

41. Foreshadowing of Conflict: The chapter concludes with a foreshadowing of the intense conflict that will soon erupt between the Nephites and Lamanites, driven by Amalickiah’s ambition.


  • Oppression and Subjugation: The Lamanites suffer under Amalickiah’s ruthless rule, highlighting the consequences of wicked leadership.

  • Spiritual Decline: The moral and spiritual decline of the Lamanites under Amalickiah contrasts with the Nephites’ commitment to faith.

  • Foreshadowing of Conflict: The chapter sets the stage for the coming war, emphasizing the inevitability of conflict when ambition and treachery go unchecked.


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