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"The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me"

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Matthew 4 (INT); Luke 4 (INT) –5 (INT)

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Matthew 4; Luke 4-5 Part 1, Part 2

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​CFM New Testament


​Matthew 4, Luke 4-5 Part 1, Part 2

Resources and Insights about this Week's Lesson

Major Topics & Events

Major Events/ Doctrines


​Scripture Source


​Temptation of Jesus Jesus fasts for 40 days and 40 nights, reminiscent of Israel wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.

​JST Matthew 4:1–10 (see Matthew 4 footnotes) "The Great Imitator" Elder Faust "The Temptations of Christ" Pres Hunter CFMFamily Temptation

When Jesus learns John was cast into prison, he leaves Judea for Galilee

​Jesus returns to Galilee and preaches


​Jesus rejected at Nazareth

​​Nazareth, Galilee

See ​Chosen S3E3, Explained Daniel Rona's insights into the Biblical practice of Stoning.

​Dwells in Capernaum

​Capernaum, Galilee

​Fishermen called to be fishers of men


​Teaches with power and authority


​Jesus heals a Possessed Man by casting out an unclean spirit


​Peter’s mother-in-law healed


​Heals in the evening


​Preaches the gospel in Galilee


​Heals a leper


​Paralytic healed


​Matthew’s calling and the Feast at the Publican's house


​John’s disciples ask about fasting: Jesus compares old and new law through the parable of the wine flask (Pharisees ask about baptism)


Matthew 9:14–17, Mark 2:18–22, Luke 26:19-31 Parable of the Wine & Wineskin, John 2:10 "thou hast kept the good wine until now."

Church Videos & Resources

Scripture Central

The Bible Project


Messages of Christ

Video Tours of the Holy Land

The Chosen Series

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