CFM: December 2-8

Videos, Podcasts, & Weekly Lesson Material
Media | Lesson Extension |
Scripture Central | |
Follow Him | |
Line Upon Line | Moroni 1-6 |
Teaching with Power | |
Don't Miss This | |
Book of Mormon Matters with John W. Welch and Lynne Hilton Wilson | |
Unshaken | |
The Interpreter Foundation | |
Scripture Gems | |
Come Follow Up | |
The Scriptures Are Real | |
Latter Day Kids | |
Scripture Explorers | |
Talking Scripture | |
Saving Talents: Devotionals & FHE for Children | |
Grounded with Barbara Morgan | |
Our Mothers Knew It | |
Resources and Insights for this Week's Lesson

The Book of Mormon: A Cultural and Religious Exploration
Happy Holidays!
In addition to all of the great resources listed in the Podcasts and Chapter outlines that are provided for this week's lesson material, I also wanted to include some Christmas Resources that might be helpful. These could be useful for family or class devotionals as we prepare for the Christmas season.
Church Library
Church Videos & Resources
The Bible Project
Messages of Christ
Drive Through History with David Stotts
Good Tidings of Great Joy by Eric D. Huntsman
Advent of the Savior by Steven J. Blinz
The Nativity by Alonzo L Gaskill
Mary and Elisabeth by S. Kent Brown
A Coming Christ in Advent and An Adult Christ at Christmas by Raymond Brown
Additional Lesson Resources:
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 47: Moroni 1-6
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 47 (Moroni 1-6)
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 47, “To Keep Them in the Right Way”
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 1, “The Keystone of Our Religion”
Moroni 1
Moroni 1 serves as an introduction to the final writings of Moroni. With the Nephites destroyed and his father Mormon gone, Moroni writes this chapter while in hiding from the Lamanites, who are actively seeking to kill him. This brief but poignant chapter highlights themes of faith, endurance, and the power of the priesthood, as Moroni remains committed to preserving the records and fulfilling his prophetic responsibilities despite the perils he faces.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
Endurance in Faith Amid Persecution
Moroni’s commitment to Christ, even under threat of death, exemplifies steadfastness and courage. His resolve to continue bearing testimony demonstrates faith in God’s ultimate plan.
Moroni the Lonely: The Story of the Writing of the Title Page to the Book of Mormon
The Importance of Sacred Records
By continuing to preserve the records, Moroni ensures that future generations will have access to vital knowledge of Christ’s gospel, ordinances, and covenants.
Faithful Stewardship
Moroni’s role as the last Nephite prophet highlights his responsibility as a steward of the sacred records. His faithfulness despite his solitude mirrors the principle of enduring to the end.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-4: Moroni’s Circumstances and Resolve | |
| Testimony
Moroni 2
Moroni 2 is a short but significant chapter in which Moroni records the exact words spoken by Jesus Christ to His disciples regarding the conferral of the Holy Ghost. This chapter preserves the sacred instructions given to the Nephite disciples after Christ’s resurrection, detailing how to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost through priesthood authority. The chapter highlights the connection between divine power, sacred ordinances, and the Holy Ghost's role in guiding and sanctifying believers.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
1. The Sacred Ordinance of the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Ghost is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ, providing divine guidance, comfort, and sanctification. This chapter preserves the precise wording and process of the ordinance as given by Christ.
2. Priesthood Power and Authority
The authority to bestow the Holy Ghost underscores the essential role of the Melchizedek Priesthood in performing sacred ordinances and administering God’s work.
3. Continuity of Christ’s Teachings
By recording this ordinance, Moroni ensures that the teachings and instructions of Christ to His Nephite disciples are preserved for future generations.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-3: Christ’s Instructions to the Disciples | |
| Disciple
Holy Spirit
Laying on of Hands
Receive |
Moroni 3
Moroni 3 provides instructions regarding the ordination of priests and teachers in the Church. This short chapter preserves the sacred process through which individuals are called and ordained to serve in the ministry. By recording the exact wording and procedure, Moroni highlights the importance of proper priesthood authority and the role of priesthood holders in teaching and strengthening the Church.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
1. Priesthood Authority
The ordination of priests and teachers underscores the necessity of acting under proper authority in God’s Church. This ensures that all teachings and ordinances are performed in alignment with divine will.
2. The Role of Priests and Teachers
Priests and teachers are charged with preaching the gospel, teaching the doctrine of Christ, and administering sacred ordinances. Their role is to guide and strengthen the faith of the members.
3. Sacred Simplicity of Ordinances
The simplicity of the ordination process reflects the focus on humility and alignment with Christ’s example, avoiding unnecessary complexity in sacred practices.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-3: Ordination of Priests and Teachers | |
| Ordination
Moroni 4
Moroni 4 provides the precise wording of the prayer used in administering the sacrament of the bread. This sacred ordinance is central to renewing covenants with God, remembering the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and receiving divine strength to remain faithful. By recording this prayer, Moroni ensures that the ordinance is performed consistently and in alignment with Christ’s instructions.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
1. Covenant Renewal
The sacrament is a sacred opportunity for believers to renew their covenants with God, recommitting to follow Christ and remember His atoning sacrifice.
2. Sanctification Through the Sacrament
The prayer asks for the bread to be sanctified for partakers, symbolizing the sanctifying power of Christ’s atonement.
3. The Promise of the Holy Ghost
The prayer promises that those who keep their covenants will always have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, a source of divine guidance, comfort, and strength.
4. Symbolism of the Bread
The bread symbolizes the body of Christ, broken for humanity as part of the Atonement. It serves as a reminder of His physical sacrifice and the eternal blessings made possible through Him.
1. Bread as a Sacred Symbol
In Jewish tradition, bread (לֶחֶם) is associated with life and God’s provision:
Manna in the Wilderness (Exodus 16): God provided manna to sustain the Israelites, symbolizing His care and mercy.
Unleavened Bread of Passover (Exodus 12:17-20): The matza, or unleavened bread of Passover commemorates deliverance and covenant renewal. The word Matza means "to find, draw out" and it reminds Israel to look for and find God.
2. Christ’s Institution of the Sacrament
In the sacrament, the bread represents Christ as the bread of life (John 6:35), the leavened bread reminds us that Christ has risen, and it serves as a token of His body, which was bruised, broken and torn for His body of Saints.
The sacrament prayer reflects Christ’s own words during the Last Supper:
Matthew 26:26: "Take, eat; this is my body."
This continuity underscores the ordinance’s sacred origin and its role in Christian worship.
5. Kneeling in Prayer
The act of kneeling represents humility and reverence, showing the sacred nature of the sacrament and the partakers’ submission to God’s will.
6. Communal Worship
The ordinance unites the congregation in shared worship and commitment, emphasizing the collective covenant between God and His people.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-3: The Sacramental Prayer for the Bread | |
| Sanctify
Remember |
Moroni 5
Moroni 5 records the prayer for blessing the sacramental cup, used to represent the blood of Jesus Christ shed for the remission of sins. Like Moroni 4, this chapter ensures the sacredness and proper administration of the sacrament by preserving the exact words dictated by Christ. The ordinance is a vital part of covenant renewal and discipleship, connecting believers to Christ’s atoning sacrifice and the promise of redemption.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
1. Symbolism of the Blood of Christ
The water (or wine) symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the remission of sins. This reflects His infinite atonement and the redemption available to all who come unto Him.
Wine in Jewish Worship
Wine is a common symbol of joy, covenant, and redemption in Jewish tradition:
Passover Meal: Wine is part of the Passover and religious ceremonies, symbolizing deliverance from Egypt and sin. Similarly, the sacrament cup symbolizes deliverance from sin through Christ.
The Cup of Blessing: In Jewish prayers, the cup of wine represents thanksgiving (Eucharest) and covenant renewal, paralleling the sacrament.
Christ’s Institution of the Cup
The sacrament cup reflects Christ’s words during the Last Supper:
Matthew 26:27-28: "Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
This emphasizes the personal and communal connection to Christ’s atoning blood.
2. Covenantal Renewal
The prayer invites participants to reaffirm their covenant to follow Christ by remembering Him, obeying His commandments, and striving to be like Him.
3. Promise of the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Ghost is reaffirmed as a continual blessing for those who remain faithful to their covenants, emphasizing the sacrament’s role in spiritual renewal.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-2: The Sacramental Prayer for the Water (or Wine) | |
Sanctification of the Water:
| 1. Blood
2. Name
3. Remission
Moroni 6
In Moroni 6, Moroni outlines the practices and principles that governed the organization and functioning of the early Church. He focuses on the prerequisites for baptism, the role of repentance, the sanctity of the sacrament, and the importance of community worship and spiritual fellowship. This chapter highlights themes of worthiness, commitment, and mutual support within the Church, ensuring that members grow together in faith and righteousness.
References and Cultural Contexts for Investigation, Contemplation, and Discussion:
1. Worthiness and Preparation
Baptism and sacrament participation require sincere repentance and commitment, ensuring that ordinances are received with reverence and faith.
2. The Church as a Spiritual Community
The Church provides a nurturing environment where members can grow together in faith, support each other, and partake of sacred ordinances.
The Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ and the Book of Mormon
3. Accountability and Sanctity
Church discipline ensures that members maintain a Christlike standard of behavior, preserving the sanctity of the ordinances and the unity of the community.
4. Focus on Christ
All Church practices are centered on Christ, reflecting His teachings and glorifying His name.
Major Topics/ Themes | Cross-References, Videos & Resources |
Verses 1-3: Requirements for Baptism | |
| Repentance
Verses 4-6: Community Worship and Spiritual Fellowship | |
| Church
Verses 7-9: Accountability and Spiritual Discipline | |
Church Videos & Resources
Scripture Central
Study Guide The study guide with the Reading Plan is now up under the Scripture Central Podcast Materials
