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“Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me”

Writer: CFMCornerCFMCorner

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Resources and Insights about this Week's Lesson

During many of our previous discussions, we have discussed the Holy Convocations, or the Festival Cycle, as outlined in Deuteronomy 16 INT & Leviticus 23 INT.

Last week we talked about Bikkurim בִּכּוּרֵים, also known as the Feast of Firstfruits רֵאשִׁית reshit or ἀπαρχή aparche, and how it ran parallel with the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection.

We learned that Bikkurim was to be celebrated on the day after the Sabbath following Passover (Leviticus 23:10-17) and that the apostle Paul explicitly connected the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the concept of firstfruits. In 1 Corinthians 15:20 INT, he writes, "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."

Bikkurim holds an intriguing connection to another significant event, the Day of Pentecost. Bikkurim marked the beginning of the "Feast of Weeks" (Chag Shavuot). After presenting the first fruits on the day following the Passover Sabbath, the Israelites were instructed to count 7 weeks. This was known as the "Counting of the Omer." Bikkurim + 7 x 7 (49) = 50. This period culminated with a week-long celebration, and this was one of the three major pilgrimage festivals practiced in ancient Israel and it is still observed by Jews today. (Shavuot is the plural form of Sheva "7's" or "weeks," 7x7+1=50, What is Shavuot?).

In the New Testament, Shavuot is called Pentecost, meaning "50th." It was on this day that the apostles in Jerusalem received the gift of the Holy Ghost in the form of "Cloven Tongues of Fire" while they were gathered at the Temple Mount to observe the feast (Acts 2; D&C 109:36–37). This event fulfilled Christ's promise to send the Comforter after His departure (John 14:16-20). It also led to the conversion and baptism of 3,000 people. (I highly recommend the following video: Understanding Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks)

Orthodox, Catholic, and several other Christian denominations also continue to observe Pentecost and regard this as the "birthday" of the Christian Church. However, other Christian communities discontinued observing the festival for various reasons. Some regarded it as outdated and excessively focused on rituals and liturgy. They felt that certain traditions that arose from the Pentecostal experiences could be overwhelming and uncomfortable, leading to a potential distraction from the core message of the Savior.

Shavuot has special significance to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as well, although some may not be aware of the connections. Shavuot may have been associated with Abinadi's prophetic message; there are many details within the text that suggest a potential connection.

It is also intriguing to consider the possibility that Jesus appeared to the people in the Americas on Shavuot, as described in 3 Nephi 11. According to the Law of Moses, which the Nephites observed (2 Nephi 25), Shavuot was one of three traditional pilgrimage festivals when faithful observers would have been gathered at the Temple in Bountiful to observe the appointed convocation. This may have been 50 days after the Resurrection, on the same day the apostles in the Old World were experiencing Pentecost, or some suggest it may have occurred the following year due to the catastrophic events that took place in the Americas; different scholars have different theories. While the timing remains a subject of debate and speculation, a potential connection to the Day of Pentecost introduces a fascinating dimension to consider. (The Timing of Christ’s Appearance to the Nephites, Shavuot, and the Temple Endowment. When Did Jesus Visit the Americas?).

In many ways, the Holy Days were "appointment" days and they were intended to serve as types and shadows of Christ (2 Nephi 11). Those who faithfully observed these sacred traditions were blessed exceedingly as they learned to understand the true meaning and purpose of these convocations as they witnessed fulfillments of these promises (Timing).

Just as these patterns held relevance in ancient times, we can observe similar patterns unfolding in modern times through the Restoration. A noteworthy example is Joseph Smith's reception of the Golden Plates on Yom Teruah, also known as the "Day of Trumpets." This remarkable occasion coincided with the commencement of the Jewish Fall Festivals, collectively known as the "High Holy Days." These festivals include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. The correlation between Joseph's acquisition of the plates and the beginning of these festivals bears significance. It symbolizes the initiation of a new dispensation, akin to a new year or a "Rosh Hashanah" in the unfolding of God's plan. The parallel between ancient patterns and the Restoration highlights the divine continuity and purpose embedded in the events surrounding Joseph Smith's prophetic mission. (The Golden Plate and the Feast of Trumpets)

Several Christian and Church scholars have suggested that the patterns of the Spring Festivals correlate with Jesus' mortal ministry, and the Fall festivals align with His Second Coming. From an LDS perspective, this makes a lot of sense.

Shavuot serves as the central fulcrum that unifies the different branches of the menorah, creating a cohesive and interconnected whole. Drawing from the events of Pentecost, when Christ fulfilled his promise to send a Second Comforter, we learn that Shavuot is closely associated with the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost acts as a link that connects the various branches.

In our previous discussions, we explored the significance of the word "Menorah," which translates to "from the light of Jehovah." We also delved into the symbolism of the Menorah as a representation of the Tree of Life. We discussed the symbolic nature of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and how he was commanded to cut down the tree, leaving only the stump behind. We discussed how this related to the Savior's phrase from the Cross, "Eli, Eli, Lama Shabachthani," translated as "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" The Lord's instructions to "leave" the stump and the word translated as "forsaken" both come from the same sabaq root. When the branches of the Menorah are removed, only the stump remains, and this resembles the Cross—a symbol of suffering and death. It is through experiencing the consequences of sin and adversity that humanity gains knowledge. This knowledge is valuable, but it comes with a terrible price, and that price was willingly paid in full through the Atonement of God's Beloved Son. Thus, the central pillar of the Menorah not only represents the Holy Ghost, but it represents Jesus Christ also, unified together as one.

Through the transformative power of the Living Waters of Christ and the baptism of Fire that can come through the Spirit of God, one can undergo true conversion, a spiritual rebirth, a renaissance, and a reawakening as they embrace renewed life through Christ. This occurs through the quickening of the Spirit and the redemptive power of Jesus' Atonement. On the day of the Second Coming and Resurrection, this spiritual rebirth will become a physical rebirth as well. Shavuot, with its connection to the Gift of the Holy Ghost, encapsulates the profound journey of transformation and renewal available to individuals through the divine grace and mercy provided by Jesus Christ.

LDS scholars have explored notable parallels between Shavuot and the outpouring of the Spirit that the Saints experienced during the dedication of the Temple in Kirtland 27th of March, 1836. There are also remarkable correlations involving the reception of the Endowment on May 3rd, 1842, which also corresponded with Shavuot in that year.

Joseph Smith never lived to see its final completion, as the martyrdom happened several months before it was completed. But feeling impressed to convey the ordinances he believed God wanted mankind to have, and perhaps sensing his time was near, he initiated several groups of people with a series of sacred teachings, ordinances, and covenants, that would later be given only within the Temple. This was on May 3 and 4th inside Joseph’s red brick store in Nauvoo. Joseph prepared the second floor to represent “the interior of a temple as circumstances would permit.”

And just when was Shavuot being observed in 1842? It was May 3rd, of course. Just like in the old and new worlds anciently, the higher teachings withheld at Sinai were once again restored to individuals on the earth.

With a mighty hand, an outstretched arm, solemn oaths, signs, and sacred tokens, God once again offers meat to those who desire a sacred place, following in the footsteps of the ancients that came before Moses. (Christopher Kirkland)

As one delves into the connections between the Old Testament, New Testament, and Restoration periods, a multitude of profound patterns come to light, enabling us to gain a deeper appreciation for the abundant blessings that form the bedrock of our faith. These patterns allow the puzzle pieces to fit together, unveiling a tapestry adorned with rich symbols and powerful tokens that provide unwavering evidence of God's work in motion. His divine influence is evident in the intricate details, demonstrating that he is guiding and directing this ship from the helm. Just as Peter and John played integral roles in bearing witness of Christ, we too have the privilege of taking a front-row seat in this grand narrative. As chosen disciples, priests, servants, and handmaidens of the Lord, we can rejoice in the knowledge that He has called us, deeming us worthy to share in both the sufferings and the glory of His Holy Name.

Major Topics & Events

​Major Topics/ Events




​Videos & Resources

Treatise addressed to ​Theophilus by Luke, (2nd part of Luke's Gospel)

​Acts 1:1

​Last 40 days prior to Christ's Ascension, Christ shares infallible proofs pertaining to the kingdom of God

​Acts 1:2-4

τεκμηρίοις "infallible proofs" "a sure sign, a positive proof" (from tekmar, "a mark, sure sign or token of some high and solemn kind, the highest, surest pledge one can give")

​Jesus instructs the apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they receive a baptism of the Holy Ghost


​Acts 1:4-5

​Apostles ask about the time of the second coming


​Acts 1:6-7

​After receiving the power of the Gift of the Holy Ghost, apostles are instructed to be witnesses throughout Jerusalem (Acts 1-7), Judea & Samaria (Acts 8-9), and the uttermost parts of the Earth (Acts 10-28).


​Acts 1:8

​Jesus taken up in a cloud, and angels proclaim that Jesus will one day return in a like manner.


​Acts 1:9-11

​Disciples (120 -including women) gathered to appoint a new apostle to replace Judas, Matthias was chosen.

​Jerusalem: Mount of Olives

​Acts 1:12-26

​Verse 20 - Peter quotes from Psalm 69:25 & Psalm 109:8.

​Day of Pentecost (Shavuot)

​Temple Mount, upper room

​Act 2:1

​"Sound of Rushing wind"

​Acts 2:2

​Sound: ἦχος (echo, קוֹל ,תֵּקַע) of: ὥσπερ rushing: φερομένης (הֵבִיא ,נָשָׂא) wind: πνοῆς (נְשָׁמָה) "breath of life." Heb 12:19 INT, Lord's visitation on Sinai, Exodus 19 INT.

"​Cloven tongues like as of fire"

​Acts 2:3

​Cloven: διαμεριζόμεναι (חָלַק) Tongues/ languages: γλῶσσαι (לָשׁוֹן) as of: ὡσεὶ (כְּ preposition, from כְּמוֹ like, as) fire: πυρός (אֵשׁ)

Gift of the Spirit - Gift of Tongues

​Acts 2:4

πνεύματος ἁγίου pneumatos hagio "Spirit Holy" רוּחַ קֹדֶשׁ Ruach Qodesh

​Devout men of every nation heard disciples speak in their own language

​Acts 2:5-12

Map (also below) Interactive Map

​Some mocked and accused the disciples of being drunk. Peter chastised them and testified that these events were a fulfillment of prophecy. Quotes Joel.

​Acts 2:13-16

Joel 2:28-32 INT Moroni prophecies of Similar events occurring with Restoration, prior to Second Coming: ​JS History 1:41,

​Last Days: Pour my spirit upon all flesh: Sons and daughters shall prophesy, young men see visions, old men dream dreams.

​Acts 2:17

​Quoted by Moroni to Joseph Smith while teaching him about the location of the Golden Plates, Breastplate, Urim, & Thummim. Mormon also quotes Malachi 3 INT & 4 INT, Isaiah 11 INT, Acts 3:22-23 INT and repeats 3 times.

​On my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy

​Acts 2:18

​I will shew wonders in heaven above signs in the earth beneath; blood, fire, vapour of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

​Acts 2:19-20

​Saved through through the name of Christ

​Acts 2:21

​Peter's testimony of Jesus

​Acts 2:22-36 vs 2:34, Peter quotes Psalm 110:1, "Sit down on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool."

-Jesus dwelled with us. -For-ordained -Crucified & Slain -Resurrected -Loosened the pains of death, Hell, & corruption -Son of David -Sits upon the Throne -Exalted -Fulfilled the promised blessing of the Holy Ghost

​3,000 baptized

​Acts 2:37-41

​​Major Topics/ Events




​​Videos & Resources

Early Church community lived Law of Consecration

​Acts 2:42-47

Peter and John heal a lame man at the gates of the Temple

​Acts 3:1-11

​Peter teaches that it is through the Power of Jesus Christ that the man was healed. Peter testifies of Jesus

​Acts 3:12-18

​Peter calls people to Repentance

​Acts 3:19

​The ancient prophets and fathers prophesied of Jesus.

​Acts 3:20-26

​Peter and John arrested

​Acts 4:1-3

​5,000 men believe Peter and John's testimony

​Acts 4:4

Annas, Caiaphas, and other conspirators who plotted against Jesus gathered to try Peter and John

​Acts 4:5-7

​Peter boldly testifies of Christ before corrupted leaders, "no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

​Acts 4:8-12

​2 Nephi 25:20, Mosiah 4:8, ​Psalm 118:22 "This is the stone which was set at not of you builders, which has become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

​Peter confounds priests and scribes

​Acts 4:13-14

Priests and scribes plot and threaten Peter and John to remain silent, to which they respond, "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."

​Acts 4:15-18

​Priests were forced to release Peter & John.

​Acts 4:21-23

​Peter, John, and the disciples offer prayers of gratitude

​Acts 4:24-30

​Received an outpouring of the Holy Ghost; the people were of one heart, and had all things in common.

​Acts 4:31-37

Annanias and Sapphira lie and withheld possessions. They are both struck dead.

​Acts 5:1-11

​Church continues to grow and apostles continue to perform many miracles.

​Acts 5:12-16

​Priests put apostles in prison again, but prison doors cannot contain them.

​Acts 5:17-25

Apostles brought before the council at the Temple, repeat warning, and diverted responsibility for Jesus' death

​Acts 5:26-28

​Peter restates his intentions to obey God over men and holds the conspirators accountable for Jesus' crucifixion. while witnessing of Christ's triumph.

​Acts 5:29-32

​​​Major Topics/ Events




​​Videos & Resources

Council is offended and plots to kill Peter and John.

​Acts 5:33

Gamaliel, the teacher of Saul, persuades the council to let the apostles go,telling them, "Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

​Acts 5:34-40

​Peter and John rejoice that they are counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ's name.

​Acts 5:41-42

Church Videos & Resources

Scripture Central

The Bible Project


Messages of Christ

Video Tours of the Holy Land

Additional Videos & Insights

1 opmerking

Kelvin Wursten
Kelvin Wursten
09 jul 2023

Reading about the timing above reminded me of the timing of the restoration of the sealing power on 3 April 1836 by Elijah during passover as described by Stephen Ricks in his 10-1-1983 BYU studies article:


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